July 2025
Accommodation availability and Summer School opportunity
Students in need of staying in Milan also during the month of July will have the opportunity to reserve a room according to what indicated in paragraph: “Staying in Milan: book your accommodation”. It will not be possible to request to extend the stay in July exactly in one's own accommodation, but any student – if already assignee of a room in one of the Bocconi residence also in June 2025, can in any case request a room at the Isonzo residence until all available places are filled. In addition, in paragraph “Collaborative Opportunities: Summer School Residence Ambassadors” another opportunity of permanence in the Bocconi residence halls for July is described, and it is dedicated to students willing to actively share the Summer School experience.
Starting in the summer of 2025, for Bocconi students already staying in the residence halls during the a.y. 2024-25 who need to stay in Milan in July as well, the University has reserved an entire building, Isonzo Residence, which with about 200 total available places will be able to accommodate all students in need of staying in Milan in July (assignment period June 27-July 27, 2025). In August, however, all Bocconi residence halls will be closed.
It will be possible to check the availability in Isonzo Residence and book a room for the month of July through a dedicated application, available from February 3 until all available places are filled, and in any case no later than May 18, 2025. All those who book will be required to pay the July monthly rate based on the same rate applied (full or preferential) depending on their annual assignment a.y. 2024-25.
Rooms in Isonzo will be available:
>Full rate: 750,00 euros
>Preferential rate: 375,00 euros
Students already staying in Isonzo will be considered the same as those staying in other residences for the purpose of assigning accommodation in the Isonzo residence for the month of July; in case of booking, any room in the residence may be assigned to them.
Reservations confirmed for the month of July cannot be subsequently cancelled; the expected amount will still be due from the student even if their need to stay in Milan for the month of July no longer applies.
Rooms will be assigned following the application order and until all available places are filled. In the event that the number of requests exceeds the availabilities, the office will try to find an alternative solution..
As part of the Bocconi Summer School, starting in the summer of 2025, the University is offering students who are already staying in the residences to actively participate in the project by applying to serve as “Summer School Residence Ambassador.”
This opportunity is aimed at and reserved for students:
- adults
- already guests in a residence hall as of the end date of the standard assignment period (June 27, 2025)
- interested in staying in Milan during the month of July 2025
- enthusiastic about being able to actively contribute to the life of our community by serving during the Summer School period.
Selected students will be able to stay in their original residence for the entire month of July free of charge and will receive a cash compensation to cover small expenses of 500.00 euros.
Role and commitment
Summer School Residence Ambassadors will facilitate summer school students upon arrival and their stay in the residence by quickly sharing practical and useful information, helping them solve minor daily problems, and properly directing them to the internal contact personnel in case of need. They will not, in fact, have specific responsibility for guests’ health or safety issues, but they will still be informed of the protocols in place and will be able to refer students to support staff in a timely and correct manner.
They will also support the residence hall manager in all small additional administrative activities related to the Summer School students' stay during the period. Finally, they will be in touch with the relevant Bocconi offices for all information or needs related to the Summer School students staying in the residence.
Finally, they may be contacted or involved by offices to channel specific organizational information through them regarding one or more resident students. In the same way, they may approach the residence staff and offices to report special issues or situations they may have become aware of.
Their availability is required between 6pm- 10am for the period July 6-19, 2025.
Summer School Residence Ambassadors will have to:
- Be present and on call at the residence for the duration of their assigned shifts
- Welcome summer school students and their families during check-in
- Provide initial guidance information upon arrival (route to/from the University, public transportation, supermarkets, pharmacies...)
- Convey student requests through appropriate channels (e.g., maintenance app, email, phone call depending on the situation)
- Indicate to summer school students how to act/who to contact in case of need
- Helping the residence manager to share important information about the residence, room and apartment amenities, contact personnel
- Support the residence manager in communicating with students and offices (filling out files, various verifications)
- Verify student room attendance, if requested by offices
- Report any necessary information about the residence hall Summer school guests, if requested by the offices
- Accompany the residence manager or security personnel to the apartments if needed
To apply, you will need to send an email to housing@unibocconi.it from February 3 to 15, 2025
Three ambassadors will be selected for each residence.
Applications will be evaluated by the Office in order of arrival.
For the selection of the 18 ambassadors, the candidate's aptitude expressed through a brief motivation letter will be considered; any previous experience in line with the required activity; and an equitable gender distribution with respect to the total number of students assigned.
The selected students will then be contacted by the office indicatively around mid-April. They will be asked to sign an assumption of office document, provide bank details useful for payment of the compensation and participate in two half-day training sessions with the offices in June, prior to the start of the program.