Guide to extracurricular internships


Extracurricular internships are all the internships performed by graduates, after receiving their graduation diploma.


It is possible to activate an extracurricular internship with Bocconi as the promoting institution within 12 months of graduation date (after that, you will be able to do it with other promoting institutions).

See more information about the characteristics of extracurricular internships. 

Internships may take place, in Italy and abroad, at companies, public and private institutions, professional firms, international organisms, diplomatic agencies, cultural institutions and other organizations. The University reserves the right to evaluate the eligibility of the company to host the intern, as well as location and any mixed (in-person/remote) or remote (distance) modes. Bocconi also monitor the internship throughout its duration.

  • Italy
    If the internship takes place in a Region different from Lombardy, given the particular requirements imposed by each regional regulation, trainees and companies are invited to contact the University to verify that Bocconi can operate as a promoter in that territory.
  • Abroad
    Bocconi can provide its own internship agreement for an extracurricular internship, according to the legislation of the country where the internship takes place.

For internships abroad see more info here.
For unpaid internship abroad see Scholarships

You always have to properly activate your internship before its beginning. There may be different rules to activate it, but the Internship Office walks you through the whole process step-by-step.

The standard procedure is the follwing one:




After you get selected, if the employer is not accredited on the University’s job portal, ask it to register on JobGate and provide your Student ID number.
After logging on to JobGate, the employer will be contacted by the University within 5 working days for quality checks of the host venue.

The employer

Enters your internship on JobGate, providing your Student ID number and all the details concerning your educational project, no later than the Monday prior to its beginning.
At this point the internship will appear in the “My internships” area of JobGate in the yoU@B Agenda


Access JobGate on your Agenda, in the “My internships” area, “Training project” section, and check the information and content of the internship entered by the employer.
Confirm the internship with the appropriate button. Confirmation stands as acceptance of the internship.


If you are starting an extracurricular internship in Italy, you must provide the needed additional documentation. Click here to find out more . 

The Internship Office

Examines your training project and, after having checked the consistency and quality of the internship contents with respect to current legislation, activates your internship.

A message in the “NOTICES” box of the yoU@B Calendar will inform you of the activation. Moreover, all the traffic light symbols of the training project on JOBGATE (area “My internships”, section “Training project”) will be green. Remember that the Internships Office has until the Friday prior to the beginning of the internship to activate it.

The employer

On the first day of the internship, goes to JobGate and downloads the internship document which has to be signed by you and the host company’s/institution’s legal representative, or his/her delegate (area “My internships”, section “Training project”). The document must be signed in all its parts (with signatures at the penultimate and the last article) and sent in its original to the Internships Office in order to receive the signature of the University.

Experiences pursued without such documentation or, in any case, those for which such documentation has not been submitted to the Internships Office before the start of an internship will not have, for Bocconi University, the value of an internship.

The Internship Office

The Office makes available to both employer and intern the document complete with all signatures, uploading it in the “Attachment Area” of JobGate (inside “My internships”).

Discover more on how to activate the internship and tips on how to carry out the internship.