It is possible to take the ICDL exams both online and in standard mode (in presence at Bocconi University).
For further information, before proceeding with the registration, also visit the page ICDL Exams at Bocconi.
ICDL Exams Online (Bocconi students only)
Please read carefully the following information before signing up for the ICDL exams.
Technical requirements for attending ICDL exams:
1) Being equipped with a Personal Computer with Microsoft Windows 7, 8.X or 10 operating system or Mac. It is not possible to perform ICDL exams with tablets/smartphones;
2) For Windows PCs: having installed 2010/2013/2016/2019 or 365 Microsoft Office versions, that are necessary in order to carry out the Office modules. Also, check that
the installed Office package is configured in the same exam language (Italian or English). Mac users don't need Microsoft Office (they will use a Virtual Machine, for which a specific password will be communicated by the teacher during the exam);
3) For both Windows and Mac: having installed the Microsoft Teams application (it is strongly recommended to download the application instead of accessing Teams on the browser);
4) For both Windows and Mac: having a functioning camera installed on the PC for the entire duration of the exam (the webcam can be integrated or external);
5) For both Windows and Mac: having an ADSL/fiber (recommended) internet connection;
6) Being ready to show the Bocconi badge or a valid identity document.
Before registering for exams through the yoU@B agenda, it is essential to carefully check that your PC has the characteristics listed above.
Before taking one or more exams (on a single or different days) it will also be essential (only for Windows) to install the AICE program and carry out an AICE DEMO session. In order to do it, every Windows user enrolled in the ICDL sessions will receive an email at his Bocconi email address containing instructions on how to install the AICE program (Aice Agent and Aice Monitor) and credentials (username and password) to launch the AICE DEMO. The AICE DEMO is mandatory and has to be completed by 2.30 pm on the day before the exam.
The AICE DEMO must be completed only once by each candidate (the first time). From the second session or for any repetition it will not be necessary to repeat it.
Please note: all the instructions and emails are sent to students on the Friday that precedes the exam week.
Take ICDL exam
Before each ICDL exam session, students will receive at their Bocconi email address an invitation to access
the exam session (through Microsoft Teams) and the credentials (one for each module that to be taken) to access the exam.
At the scheduled day and time, students will have to log into Microsoft Teams through the link received, keeping both their credentials and the Bocconi badge/identity document with them.
Mac only: students who have selected the Mac operating system will receive an additional email with instructions on how to access the exam and connect to the virtual machine
Please note: The ITEC Staff and the examiner can not check the characteristics of the student's PC or provide technical support before and/or during the exam.
In the event that the student's PC does not work for reasons that cannot be attributed to ITEC (internet connection or lack of one or more indispensable features) the exam will be lost and cannot be recovered.
Upcoming (online only) exam dates will be:
December: 6, 13, 14, 18
January: 10, 12, 16, 18
Please note: The availability of seats within each exam session varies according to the chosen operating system (Windows or Mac).
End of exam
Once the test is completed (1 or 2 modules) the student will have to leave the Microsoft Teams session and close the AICE application.
ICDL - Procedure for registration for exams
The ICDL certification consists of 7 topics which are split into the following modules:
- Computer Essentials
- Online Essentials
- Word Processing
- Spreadsheets
- IT Security
- Presentation
- Online Collaboration
Students need to pass all seven modules, which can be taken in any order. The program is based on the Syllabus available here.
The ICDL certification (or standard equivalent) is valid to fulfill the mandatory prerequisite required in order to register for the Computer science (30424), Informatica per giurisprudenza (50019/6034), Computer skills (30330) and Computer skills for economics (30068/6033) exams.
Bocconi University is an official Test Center for the supply of ICDL certifications.
Follow the steps below to apply for the exams and obtain your certification.
1. Purchase a Skills Card and exams
In order to take ICDL exams, you need to purchase an ICDL Skills Card and seven modules. The Skills Card is a virtual card on which all the ICDL exams are registered. The ICDL Skills Card does not have an expiration date.
You can purchase the Skills Card and exams only by using the online payment form present in your you@B diary. Bocconi University offers a special price for its students: 60 euros for the ICDL Skills Card and 18 euros per exam.
Please note that, currently, we do not accept registrations from external users.
2 . Register for exams online
After completing the payment, Bocconi students will be able to register for exams autonomously through their yoU@B diary, by clicking on the link "Registration for ICDL ONLINE exams" in the "IT Certifications" box.
Upon first access, students must fill in the details of their Skills Card (7-digit number) which is provided by ITEC via e-mail to the address registered during the payment procedure.
To proceed with registration, click on the "Add" button. Next, select the exams you'd like to register for, with a maximum of three per session.
Click on the "Next" button and the program will display the available dates in the following four weeks.
You will be free to choose the day and time as long as time slots are available. If the program does not allow you to select a specific round, it means that places are no longer available in that shift and that you need to opt for another date.
It is possible to modify an existing registration (change exams/sit more or less exams/change the date). If the number of exams remains unchanged, students can modify the exam selection, otherwise they must cancel the existing registration and repeat the procedure to choose a new available date.
You can also unregister from one shift for which you have already registered. In that case, the exams you paid for will become available again in the YoU@B diary for later registrations.
You can register for, change, and cancel a round of examinations only until 23:59 on the Thursday of the week preceding the date of the exam.
Please note that, currently, we do not accept registrations from external users (even for the online mode).
3. Prepare for ICDL exams
Multimedia course
An online multimedia course is provided by Bocconi University to get prepared for the ICDL certification. The course is available for all Bocconi students on Blackboard (both in English and Italian) without any time limits or restrictions. An update of the multimedia course to Syllabus 6.0 for Word processing, Spreadsheets and Presentation modules is available from December 12, 2018.
4. Take exams
The exams are administered through the AICE system.
Each exam consists of 36 questions that must be answered in a maximum time of 45 minutes. To pass each exam the candidate must answer correctly at least 75% of the questions.
How to carry out the examination - video tutorial (subtitled in English)
5. Check the result of the ICDL exam and the ICDL certification
You will be able to check the outcome of the ICDL test in your private area on the AICA website.
To access your private area, connect to the page: (only in Italian) and click REGISTER to the top right. On the next page select: REGISTER AS A CANDIDATE and fill out the form, selecting from the certification menu: ICDL. Then enter your Skills Card number in the dedicated section (do not enter IT-).
In case of problems accessing the reserved area, you can contact AICA technical support
6. Record the prerequisite for curricular exams
After passing all seven modules, students meet the prerequisite requirement for the Computer science (30424), Informatica per giurisprudenza (50019/6034), Computer skills for economics (30068/6033) and Computer skills (30330) exams.
In case students do not complete the ICDL certification within the scheduled deadlines, they will not be allowed to register for the curricular exams (second partial or the general exam).
For further information and updates about prerequisites and deadlines visit the Prerequisite for curricular exams page.
7. Receive the ICDL certificate
When you successfully complete all seven modules, the IT Education Center will send the ICDL certificate in .pdf format to your Bocconi email address.
The certificate will be sent approximately in a month. There is no need to print the ICDL certificate to take curricular exams.
Tutorial AICE