European Documentation Centre (EDC)

The European Documentation Centre (EDC) of the Library was established in 1983 based on an agreement between Bocconi University and European Commission. It is part of a network which includes 600 centres across the world, mostly in universities, research centres and national libraries, with 400 of them in the Member States and 51 in Italy.

The Bocconi EDC is member of the Editor's Group of abCDEuropa, the wiki guide of the Italian EDCs, and of cdeita, the national website of the Italian EDCs network.

Free publications and booklets by the European Union are available at the EDC Reading Room (Room 111) on the first floor of the Library. Reference and research assistance on the European Union, EU databases and EU documents is available for the Bocconi community and external users by appointment. Please send an e-mail to, or call +39 02 58365147.

Here you can find a selection of resources curated by the EDC:

The EDC of Bocconi Library has selected the lists of official websites of EU Institutions, Agencies, Organisations and their Representations in Italy and a list of dissertations about the European Union discussed in Bocconi University:

EU policies
EU Institutions
EU Agencies
EDCs Network:

EU Documents
The European Commission site archives: