
Knowledge that matters
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Is Randomness Truly Random?

Abel Prize and Turing Award winner, Avi Wigderson, will deliver an unmissable talk at Bocconi on April 2. A journey through mathematics, computer science, and randomness to uncover whether chance truly governs our world

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A new study by Camuffo, Gambardella and Coali shows that a theoretical approach beats improvisation: entrepreneurs who plan better earn more. The research, part of Bocconi’s SAIM project, reveals a method that could change the way business is done


A highly successful graduate program celebrates its first 25 years by bringing students and alumni together. Stressing the point that there are so many possible careers

European Union

A newly published analysis, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), explores the macroeconomic and financial risks associated with the evolving trade environment


Upcoming Deadline

Admissions to Bachelor and Law Programs

The Spring Session for Bachelor and Law programs is open until 4 April: apply now for the 2025-2026 academic year!

Application for MSc Programs

Applications for MSc programs for international students are now open: find out how to apply for the 2025-2026 academic year