Acting Workshop in Italian for foreigners
In English, French and German the act of making theatre and music is to play, jouer, spielen. We do it massively when we are children and we tend to forget it as grown-ups, too busy with our busy lives.
In Theatre we play with our bodies, our voices and our imagination: we start discovering multiple skills and release the energy of our creativity... and the sheer fun of just playing together!
Our partner
Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi
The Paolo Grassi School of Theater is a longstanding and visionary study center. It is the only school in Italy to offer training for every profession in the field of theater and live performance.
1st semester AY 2024-2025: "Parliamo teatro"
- 13, 20 and 27 November 6:15- 8:15pm
- 4 December 6:15- 8:15pm
The course will be held in-person in the Campus Life Area in Via Bocconi 12
The course is open to anyone from the Bocconi Community who wants to challenge themselves with theatre.
Theater is a particularly suitable tool for activating and promoting mechanisms related to acquiring and consolidating a foreign language, which in this case is Italian for non-Italian students.
Theatrical methods can implement different learning modalities – including cognitive, physical and emotional – as well as involve each participant both in the first person and collectively. This makes them an effective means of reinforcing the use of a foreign language.
Theater teaching also allows students to experiment with their own linguistic level as part of continuous play that aims to erase judgment and above all the self-judgment often inherent in the early stages of experimentation with the foreign language: it means encouraging everyone to find their own new voice, that is expressed through a new language.
This pursuit is contextualized within a workshop that aims to be liberating because it is located outside everyday reality: a creative and expressive process in which to experiment with countless communicative contexts, that are mirrors of those contexts using dynamic and real language.
In this regard, theatrical exercises are particularly useful for expanding vocabulary and mastery of the spoken language. Emotional involvement supports learning by motivating participants to dig into the linguistic resources already in their possession and looking for new ones within a language – the theatrical one – which is always language in action.
Another important aspect concerns the use of the body that the theater necessarily brings into play, and which is a fundamental ally in the learning process. Furthermore, in this specific case, it is the body that becomes the bearer of non-verbal communication as a fundamental part of the complex communicative process.
The workshop can be briefly described as follows:
- Lesson 1. Self-reflection exercises: introducing and talking about oneself; getting to know the group; word games and active games
- Lesson 2. Narration through verbal and non-verbal communication: physical and verbal expression and narration exercises
- Lesson 3. Storytelling exercises with the use of objects, images and text
- Lesson 4. Basic improvisation exercises with given situations; shared assessment of the workshop
Course objectives
• Gain more confidence with a new language (in this case Italian)
• Expand vocabulary
• Experiment with different relational and communicative situations
• Develop physical and gestural expressiveness connected organically with words
• Learn through empathy, emotional and sensory involvement, while having fun
• Learn through cooperation and collaboration within the working group
From a linguistic point of view: the proposed activities and theatrical exercises will be calibrated to the group’s linguistic level, after the first session. In principle, even considering that the course is not long in terms of number of hours, the level of Italian required must still be sufficient to understand the assignments and interaction with the group, so the workshop can strengthen and expand vocabulary and improve oral fluency.
From an artistic point of view: no previous theatrical experience is necessary, but participants should have a good attitude to get involved both verbally and physically.
Participation fee: 12 €
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Registrations open in September
Sara Urban

Sara Urban, actress, graduated from the Civica Scuola di Teatro Paolo Grassi. She obtained a four-year degree in Modern Literature at the University of Milan with a thesis in History of the Theatre and Performing Arts entitled ‘The Dramaturgy of Stefano Pirandello’ and then a PhD in History and Criticism of Artistic, Musical and Performing Arts at the University of Padua. As a teacher and trainer of theatrical practices, she works in various theatres in Lombardy and Piedmont. Her most recent activities include being Margarete Assmuth's assistant for the teaching of Voice, at the 1st Level Academic Course of the Civica Scuola Paolo Grassi (since 2022) and as teacher of the module dedicated to the use of voice in the course of Communication and Italian, in the 2nd year of the Master's Degree Course in Interpretation, at the Scuola Civica Interpreti e Traduttori Altiero Spinelli in Milan (a.y. 2023/24).