Use Online Resources
Accessing online resources
The Library website serves as access point to our resources. At the center of the homepage, you will find all our search tools: SearchLib and A-Z Database List.
SearchLib is our discovery tool to browse our print and electronic collections, and beyond. SearchLib is particularly recommended for browsing academic material and request books.
If you’re looking for statistics, reports or other specialistic content, you might need to look into specific databases. To do that, check out our A-Z Database List. This alphabetical list of all our bibliographic and numeric databases is particularly useful to check what’s available through the Library and quickly access the platforms. Next to the resource titles, you will find icons explaining access information.
Off-campus access
Even if you are off-campus you can access a number of databases, e-journals, e-books and other online resources of the Library. In order to access online material, you will need to authenticate: the authentication system is called OpenAthens.
Who is entitled to off-campus access? Regularly enrolled undergraduate, Master’s and PhD students, authorized faculty members, Bocconi University and SDA staff.
For information and assistance write to
Responsible use of online resources
The majority of electronic resources (databases, e-journals, e-books) made available through the Bocconi Library are governed by license agreements between the Library and publishers or vendors. These define specific terms and conditions of use, i.e. authorized users, permissions and restrictions.
Access to the licensed electronic resources is only for educational, research or personal use.
Here you can find a list of usually permitted and not permitted uses:
Usually permitted
- Displaying, searching, downloading, printing and storing the licensed material for scholarly research, educational and personal use only
- Creating a temporary link to a journal article or a book/book chapter for use in electronic course packs or learning management systems provided proper reference to the author and source is given, and with the authorization of the Library (only authorized users can access it)
Usually not permitted
- Sharing your own IDs and password with third parties, nor to enable anyone other than authorized user to use the licensed material
- Distributing or transmitting (by whatever means, e.g. fax, e-mail, social networks, etc.) the licensed material to anyone other than authorized users
- Systematically downloading, printing and storing an excessive portion of the licensed materials (e.g. an entire journal issue or e- book), also by use of specific software
- Removing, obscuring or modifying any copyright author attribution or other notices included in the licensed material
- Making any use for commercial purposes
- Making any use that exceeds or violates the terms and conditions of use without the prior written permission of Licensor
You can read the full license details of a specific resource searching for a specific database in SearchLib and clicking on “Show terms of use”:

Publishers monitor the usage of electronic resources to verify compliance with licensing agreements.
Misuse or violation of license restrictions may result in the termination of the license agreement and in the withdrawal of any access rights to the electronic resource