Geopolitics Lab: Understanding the world around you
Donald Trump's World
The most compelling and for some extend revolutionary event in the international arena, has been the return to the White House of the republican candidate. Most probably, for the next four years Donald Trump will be an agent of change. But it is impossible now to define if this mutations will be for good or ill – what will happen to the American democracy at home and the American superpower abroad?
Content and objectives
Our conversation will focus on three topics:
- The President and the American Democracy.
- The president and the wars (Ukraine and Middle East).
- The President, China and the Global South.
The approach will be more journalistic than academic. Students are invited to participate actively in the course, whether in the form of answering the questions, interrupting with their own questions, or engaging in productive conversation. At the end of the
workshop, students will be able to:
- expand their knowledge on key geopolitical issues
- develop their critical and analytical skills when reading the news,
- share their ideas and participate in active discussions
- 26 March at 6:15-7:30pm
- 2 April at 6:15-7:30pm
- 9 April at 6:15-7:30pm
The course will be held online on Blackboard
Registration in yoU@B
Various activities widget
Ugo Tramballi

ISPI Senior Advisor in charge of the Institute’s India Desk.
Ugo Tramballi is a veteran journalist, he joined the Metropolitan section of “Il Giornale” in 1976. He served as the newspaper’s Middle East correspondent in Beirut from 1983 to ’87 with war correspondences from Lebanon, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and extensive coverage in India and Pakistan. He was Moscow correspondent from 1987 to ’91 and then Global Correspondent and columnist with the Italian Economic newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore”. He is a member of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, IAI, Rome, as well as a World Economic Forum’s Media Leader. On ISPI’s website, he publishes a weekly blog on international affairs, “Slow News”.