International mobility grant

A.Y. 2024-25

 - Currently on update - 

During the period of study there are many opportunities for international experiences that Università Bocconi reserves for its students thanks to agreements developed over the years with more than 200 universities and institutions present on all continents.

To encourage participation in international mobility programs organized by the University, Università Bocconi provides its students with a contribution for participation, of different amounts and modulated according to the different economic characteristics of the students' families.

All students participating in international mobility programs, in particular Exchange, CEMS-MIM, Themis, DD Essec and other Joint/Double Degree programs (durations between 2 and 12 months), will be considered, without the need to apply, for the possible allocation of cash grants payable thanks to a mix of resources between Erasmus+ funds, ministerial funds and Università Bocconi's own funds.

The disbursement of the grant is not automatic, but is subsequent to the Office's evaluations that consider: any conditions of economic disadvantage verified by the University on the basis of the students' economic and financial condition, destination and actual duration of the mobility experience.

Cash grants are disbursed within the limits of available resources and until the mobility funds allocated nationally and internationally are depleted.

The requirements dictated by the various national or international institutions will be respected for the disbursement of the grants.

Who is eligible for the grant for international mobility programs and what are the requirements?

All students participating in international mobility programs, specifically Exchange, CEMS-MIM, Themis, DD Essec and other Joint/Double Degree (durations between 2 and 12 months), will be considered for the grant provided the following conditions are met:


  • Minimum duration: the minimum admissible period is 2 months (60 days) in the same study cicle
  • Maximum duration: you can receive Erasmus grants for study and/or internships up to a maximum of 12 months per study cycle (three-year/ two-year/ law school). E.g., if you have done an Erasmus in the BSc (for study or internship), you can again be an Erasmus student in the MSc and in this case the counting of the number of months starts again from zero.
  • Compliance with the assignment criteria described on the dedicated section below
  • Modality: the contribution is calculated only for the days carried out in presence at the host institution. Virtual mobility does not involve contribution. If the modality is mixed and includes a virtual component, the contribution will be calculated only for activities carried out in presence.

The period of stay declared in the International mobility grant application must be:

  • Continuative. Only the period actually spent at the host institution will be payable. In fact, the arrival and departure dates reported in the certificate issued by the partner university must reflect the period of actual stay in the student's study location.
  • Related to study purposes


Bocconi University is committed to promoting inclusion through the support of students who, despite presenting situations of economic disadvantage, intend to have an international experience.

In defining the amount of the grants, the University must also refer to the guidelines set by each institution allocating international mobility funds.

In fact, the potential awarding of the grants is possible thanks to a mix of resources including Erasmus+ funds, ministerial funds and Bocconi University's own funds, within the limits of available resources and until they are depleted.

Since mobility funds are funds of public origin (Italy or EU), false certifications or inaccurate statements leading to the attribution of funds that are not due will be grounds for review, and, eventually, demand for repayment of what has been advanced and may be challenged in the appropriate instances for the return of illicitly collected funds.

The disbursement of the grant is not automatic, but is subsequent to the evaluations of the Office that consider:

  1. Destination
  2. Duration of the experience: detectable from the Mobility Agreement (priority) and the Certificates of Arrival and Departure.
    If the dates given in the Certificates of Arrival and Departure will define a shorter period than that agreed to in the Mobility Agreement, then necessarily the period considered will be the shorter, as indicated in the Certificates of Arrival and Departure. If, on the contrary, the dates given in the Certificates of Arrival and Departure define a longer period than that granted in the Mobility Agreement, then in any case what is granted in the Mobility Agreement will apply, and the excess period cannot be funded. This may result in the return of funds disbursed but not due. Therefore, students heading to destinations belonging to groups 1, 2 and 3 (except for UK) are advised to carefully check the dates given in the Mobility Agreement.
  3. Economic condition of the student.  Specifically, among all participants in international programs (Exchange, CEMS-MIM, Themis, DD Essec, and other Joint/Double Degree), the " fewer opportunities" group is identified, in which students awarded in A.Y. 2023-2024 of the following benefits are included:
  • ISU Bocconi Scholarship
  • Una Scelta Possibile
  • 1st Fees relief target
  • "Need based" waivers from 60% to 100% on ordinary Bocconi contribution
  • Exemptions for students with disabilities

Students belonging to the group so defined will receive a supplement (top-up equal to 250 euros monthly) in addition to the monthly amounts established by destination.

In addition, students with "fewer opportunities" heading to other destinations (group 4) may receive a contribution toward travel costs at the end of the experience, if funds are available.

For a.y. 2024-2025, students not in the category of minor opportunity will also be considered as described below.

By virtue of the capacity of the international Erasmus+ funding program received for the a.y. 2024-2025 and the guidelines provided for this fund, for this academic year, students not belonging to the fewer opportunities group in mobility to only destinations belonging to groups 1, 2 and 3 will also be considered for the allocation of available funds.

On the other hand, with reference to students with destinations within group 4, it is specified that, by virtue of the funds received to date, it will also be possible to support students who, while not belonging to the fewer opportunities group, are recipients of a need-based benefit (2nd or 3rd fees relief target on the ordinary contribution).

Students awarded the grant through Ministerial Funds are advised that they will receive the benefit only after the recognition of credits earned abroad. It will be the student's responsibility to make sure that such recognition takes place in the manner and within the time frame foreseen by the universities.

For students who will receive Erasmus+ Funds, it is specified that in the event that, as a result of verifications carried out by the University regarding the actual duration of the experience, the advance paid exceeds the amount actually due, the student will be asked to return the excess funds.


The disbursement will be made exclusively by bank transfer, to an Italian bank account in the name or joint name of the beneficiary student. For this reason, it is recommended to complete the online tax regime procedure available at the following page:

Amounts of grants for international mobility programs attributable by destination for a.y. 2024-2025


Country group


Host country

Monthly amount

Group 1

All the students

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Sweden, Liechtenstein, Norway, Faroe Islands, United Kingdom


Group 2

All the students

Austria, Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Malta, Portugal


Group 3

All the students

Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Republic of North Macedonia, Turkey, Serbia


Group 4

Fewer Opportunities students

All other destinations*




With reference to students with destinations within group 4, it is specified that by virtue of the funds received to date, it will also be possible to support students who, while not in the fewer opportunities group, are assignees of a need-based benefit (2nd or 3rd fees relief target on the ordinary contribution. Currently, there is no contribution for students heading to destinations belonging to group 4 who are not assigned a need-based benefit).

*Students spending an exchange period in Switzerland will not receive the International Mobility Grant provided by Bocconi, as there is a Swiss-European Mobility Program (SEMP) grant for Switzerland, provided by the Swiss government. If interested, it is possible to contact the Swiss partner University for all information about this.

It is also specified that, for students who receive the contribution thanks to Erasmus+ funds, in the case of "green travel," whereby both the outward journey to the host institution and the return journey at the end of the mobility are made by low-emission means of transport (bus, train, car-pooling) a supplement of 50 € can be obtained - only subject to the availability of funds - to the grant. Checks about the availability of funds for this supplement will be made only after all mobility grants have been disbursed

Only students potentially receiving the grant for international mobility programs will be required to complete

- Tax regime 

- International mobility grant application


  • Prior to departure
1. Fill in Tax Regime
2. Access the "International mobility grant application," which will be available for students entitled to the benefit only on the MyApplication portal. You will receive a dedicated email with more details.

3. Enter the required information in the online procedure related to the mobility experience and upload an ID (ID card or passport)

Students heading to non-EU (Group 4), and UK destinations will be able to upload also a document issued by the partner university in the "Start/End dates confirmation" section certifying the period of attendance or reference dates of the period abroad

4. Complete the Data section by clicking on the "Confirm Data" button by the deadline.


  • Upon arrival at the host university
5. Upload the Certificate of arrival (available in the printouts area) in the application, in the dedicated upload, reporting the arrival data once at the destination. 


  • Within 5 days of returning to Italy

6. Upload in the application

- the Certificate of departure in the dedicated upload (available in the printouts area), reporting the data related to the period actually spent abroad.The departure date must correspond to the last day of the continuous period spent at the partner university, and must be consistent with what was declared at departure in the International mobility grant application. If, upon post-application checks, there is a relevant discrepancy between the declared departure date and actual departure date, the student's position would be verified and the student may be required to return any excess funds he or she received. 

- In case of green travel, a completed and signed Declaration of Honor (available in the prints area) and round-trip travel documents (train/bus tickets, etc.).

7. Complete the procedure by by clicking on the "Submit application" button by the deadline.

No benefits may be awarded to students who submit incomplete documentation, report data that does not correspond to the findings evidenced by the documentation or does not correspond to what will emerge from the University's verification.


Applications submitted after the deadline and/or according to methods other than those provided herein cannot be evaluated for the purpose of awarding the benefit.

The possible awarding of cash grants is provided through a mix of resources including Erasmus+ funds, ministerial funds (MIUR funds) and Bocconi University's own funds.

Normally, Erasmus+ funds are used for students with destinations in the Erasmus program (groups 1, 2 and 3), while MIUR funds are used for students heading to other destinations (group 4). Compatible with the availability of funds, some students heading to other destinations may also receive an advance with Erasmus+ funds.

Payment of the mobility grant will be made at the times and in the ways specified in the individual fund allocation notices, as specified in the table below.

Cash grants are disbursed within the limits of available resources and until funds are exhausted.


mobility period

Advance Payment


Erasmus+ Funds

1st semester

September 30, 2024

March 30, 2025

whole year

September 30, 2024

July 30, 2025

2nd semester

February 28, 2025

July 30, 2025

MIUR funds

1st semester


Starting from March 2025

whole year

Starting from July 2025

2nd semester

Starting from July 2025

Please note: Students awarded the grant through ministerial funds will be able to receive the benefit only after the recognition of credits earned abroad. It will be the student's responsibility to ensure that such recognition takes place in the method and timeframe provided by the universities.


Further information about tax regime procedure is available in the last section below.

The online tax regime procedure is available on the following page:

For the first login use the following credentials:

User: Bocconi

Password: datifiscali

Change/personalize Username and password for each subsequent login and fill in all sections of the form.

To the question “Will the services be invoiced as an associated firm?” please answer NO

In the Tax Residence section, indicate the place of residence in the current year and as "start date" add January 1st of the current year. Consider that if you spend more than 183 days in Italy in the current year, from January to December, your tax residence is Italy.

If your tax residence is in Italy, in the last section you will have to answer 3 questions: choose "NO" for the first two and "YES" for the last ("Will you have to receive an Erasmus+ scholarship?")  


2) If your account already exists, click on Tax Regime > Edit a previous declaration > Recover password.

Use your personal email. To reset your password you must complete your personal data, INCLUDING YOUR ITALIAN TAX CODE. Then, once you have reset your password, you will still have to log in by clicking on "Edit a previous declaration".

Simply review your data and update it if it changes over time.

IMPORTANT: in the Payment Method section, choose the bank transfer/bank transfer option, entering an account in your name or in your joint name. The “cheque” option is no longer admissible.

ATTENTION: students who have not completed the tax regime cannot be taken into consideration for the payment of the mobility grant.

ATTENTION: in the event that you have to renounce the program at a time after the payment of the contribution or the actual period of experience abroad is less than the monthly payments received, you will be required to reimburse these amounts.