Can't Find It?

Bocconi students and faculty can use the Can't find it? service to get access to material not available at Bocconi Library.


Who can use this service?

All current Bocconi students and faculty with a valid Library account can use the Can't find it? service. Unfortunately we are unable to extend the service to Bocconi Alumni or visitors.


What can I ask for?

Just tell us what you need and we will do our best to add it to our collection, or get it from another library.

You can choose whether to request a book in print or as an e-book. If the book is not available in your chosen format, we’ll contact you with alternative options. Chapters and articles are always delivered electronically.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a lending and borrowing service between libraries.

Books or articles not owned by Bocconi Library may be requested from other libraries. Please check the Bocconi collections through SearchLib before sending the request.


Interlending services for external libraries

We can currently supply books and electronic copies of articles or chapters. Email us your requests