B.I.L.S. - Bocconi Student International Law Society

Prima Law Society di studenti di giurisprudenza in Italia, B.I.L.S. si focalizza sulle prospettive internazionali del diritto.

L’obiettivo principale è quello di dare la possibilità a tutti gli studenti, non solo di giurisprudenza, di sviluppare e realizzare concretamente i propri interessi internazionalistici, nell’ottica del superamento di un approccio meramente teorico al diritto.

B.I.L.S. si propone, inoltre, di fare da ponte interdisciplinare tra gli ambiti più tradizionalmente propri degli studi di diritto e le materie economiche di rilevanza nazionale e internazionale, secondo l'intenzione propria del Corso di Laurea in Giurisprudenza dell'Università Bocconi. Sul nostro sito internet troverete tutte le informazioni utili sull'Associazione, tra cui gli eventi organizzati e quelli in programma, sui suoi membri e utili materiali.

Aree di attività: Giurisprudenza; Studenti e spirito internazionale.

B.I.L.S.'s basic purpose, as a student-based Society, is to overcome the traditional approach that mostly shapes the study of law at University, fostering and promoting students' active involvement in the development of ideas and planning events on issues related to law and other disciplines, such as economics, which is becoming always more important for law students.

Social activity is very broad, including a wide array of initiatives, as well as open to new ideas and suggestions from all participants. Particularly it commits to organize seminars and academic conferences, dedicated each semester to one important issue or more. A second features that so far is typical of B.I.L.S. is its cooperation with the Bocconi School of Law, in order to organize the international events that take place during the year, thought for students aiming to try themselves at international experiences or international career.

The society also represents a friendly environment where to meet people, share ideas and projects that partake of interest in approaching law through a multidisciplinary method.

Visit our web-site in order to know us, to find out our latest and upcoming initiatives and get in touch with B.I.L.S. Members.

Activity areas: International students and spirit; Law.

e-mail: as.bils@unibocconi.it
