Contributions for students with ISEE/ISEEU parificato less than or equal to 50.000€
Students enrolled in the a.y. 2021-22 who participate during
the same academic year in:
1. Exchange Program, Double/Joint Degree, CEMS-MIM, Themis
2. Study Tour
3. Unpaid internships outside Italy
will receive a lump sum contribution provided that:
- They are in in possession of an ISEE/ISEEU parificato certificate issued in
2022 whose ISEE/ISEEU parificato value is less than or equal to € 50,000.00* (see the "Necessary Documentation" page available
in the "Links" box) - They have submitted the dedicated application in
the periods indicated below.
Attention, it is specified that:
- The amount of the contribution for internships
carried out abroad (on-site or remotely and which are unpaid and started with Bocconi documents) and Exchange
Program, Double/Joint Degree, CEMS-MIM, Themis carried out on-site is equal to
€ 1.500,00 - the amount of the contribution for the Exchange
Program, Double/Joint Degree, CEMS-MIM, Themis carried out remotely is equal to
€ 1.000,00 - Study Tours are exceptions for which the
contribution will always be equal to € 500,00 - within the same cycle of studies the student can
receive a contribution only for one of the activities indicated above, even in
the case of carrying out more than one activity - the contribution will be guaranteed and
disbursed by Bocconi University with Bocconi funds or Erasmus funds or MIUR
funds, depending on the availability of the funds and up to the available
*ISU eligible students for the a.y. 2021-2022 do not fall
within this type of intervention: they are recommended to check the specific
contribution for international mobility programs, published on the dedicated
Application period |
Online application |
Result and payment |
from 7/02/2022 to 28/02/2022 for programs completed and registered** by 28 February 2022 |
Online application |
from 1/08/2022 |
Online application ) |
** In case of problems with the registration of the activities, please refer to the competent offices through H&C.
The University reserves the right to make any changes or adjustments for the a.y. 2021-2022 should budgetary needs arise and/or in the event of changes in the opportunities for external scholarships not dependent on the University and/or in the event of changes in the mobility programs offered by Bocconi University.