Study Abroad Programs

Double Degree  
A Double Degree is a program that allows you to study at two top business and economic schools and receive two diplomas, one from each University. You will spend the first academic year at Bocconi and the second academic year at a prestigious partner.

  • HEC École des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (Paris, France)
  • Southern Methodist University/HEC Montréal (Dallas, US/Montréal, Canada) 

Exchange Programs 
A study abroad experience lasting one term at a top partner university. Our Exchange partners include:

  • ESSEC Business School (France)
  • Universiteit van Amsterdam (The Netherlands) 
  • Erasmus University School of History, Culture and Communication (The Netherlands)
  • Southern Methodist University, Meadows School of the Arts (US)
  • University of Technology Sydney (Australia)