Economics, Management and Computer Science


3 yrs
180 CFU

This BSc is a unique program at the cutting edge of today’s digital revolution. It prepares the new generation of digital talents, a generation in which the combination of quantitative skills and rigorous thinking is the key for success.

This program provides both a deep understanding of Data Science and knowledge in Economics and Management: it combines a solid grounding in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science with fundamental training in Economics, Management and Law. The result is a unique mix of hard skills and foundational knowledge.

The program equips students with the skills to use and develop modern machine learning algorithms, along with the ability to understand their mathematical foundations and the capacity to take advantage of the strategic role that data play to support modern decision making in business and economics.

Our program is organized in a single international class group. In the third year, students will personalize their study plan by choosing electives in their preferred subjects, spending a semester abroad at one of Bocconi’s many prestigious partner universities, and taking part in scientific and business seminars.

Graduates will be new professionals equipped with a 360-degree knowledge of the world of data: the relevant mathematical and statistical structures, the machine learning algorithms, the computing skills to work with data, the appropriate legal frameworks, the economic and strategic thinking, and the many application fields where data-driven decisions are made. This professional profile is already leading the list of requests on the job market and will increasingly do so in the future.

Program Director

Omiros Papaspiliopoulos

The central role of data and data-driven decision making in the economy, as well as  its increasing relevance in public administration, calls for new professionals equipped with a 360-degree knowledge of the world of data.

This encompasses the relevant mathematical and statistical structures, the machine learning algorithms, the computing skills to work with data, the appropriate legal frameworks and the economic thinking. This is precisely the profile of  our graduates! Since 2012 I have been developing leading educational programs around data science and its intersection with social sciences. I am very proud to be  director of this program, and am continuously impressed by the international talent it attracts and the quality of graduates it delivers.

Why Choose a Bocconi Bachelor?

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Bocconi is about more than just classes

Your years on campus are about more than just the classes you attend: Bocconi and Milan also promote activities focused on culture, sports, art and sharing ideas. They help make your Bocconi experience an exciting time that is key to personal and professional growth.

A Sustainable Campus 

Our campus is a safe, multicultural and lively place, located in downtown Milan. Both its historic buildings and new spaces are integrated into the urban fabric to create an active environment, reverberating with university life. The campus includes a recreational sports center, a large park and a new student residence hall.

A European and cosmopolitan city

Milan is an open, international and multicultural city, a European metropolis full of events and public services with an unparalleled nightlife. It is a renowned symbol of fashion and design, as well as an important financial, economic and business hub.

Once a Bocconian, always a Bocconian!

You become a member of the Bocconi community when you start your program, joining other students, faculty, staff, Alumnae and Alumni. But Bocconi is not only a real community where you spend your days on campus, but also – and increasingly more so – a community you can get to know through our online social networks.