PhD in Statistics and Computer Science


PhD Program Director

Antonio Lijoi

PhD Administrative Assistant
Angela Baldassarre


The 4-year PhD in Statistics and Computer Science is a high profile and rigorous doctoral program, within the Department of Decision Sciences, that develops strong mathematical, statistical, computational and programming backgrounds. It arises as an expansion of the PhD in Statistics, which has been offered by the Department since 2001 and has stood out as a success story in terms of both placement and scientific achievements of its graduates.

The cross-disciplinary nature of our program is essential for gaining first-class research skills. Indeed, the rise of Machine Learning and Data Science is providing undisputed evidence that the ideal expertise for achieving new exciting advances in these areas lies at the boundaries of Statistics and Computer Science. The ability of developing both novel statistical methodologies and highly scalable computational algorithms has become crucial, due to the increasing availability of large and complex datasets.

The program is tailored to extremely talented and motivated students who wish to stand out either as statisticians having also a deep knowledge of computing, algorithms and theoretical computer science or as computer scientists with a strong training in probabilistic and statistical modeling and applications. This merging of skills is a distinctive feature of modern data scientists working on cutting-edge research topics within academic institutions, research organizations and industry.

The first year will include courses that are compulsory for all enrolled PhD students and provide a common theoretical and methodological background on topics related to real analysis, probability theory and stochastic processes, theoretical computer science and computer programming, mathematical statistics.

During the first year, students will choose between two tracks: Statistics and Computer Science.

The second year features track-specific compulsory courses and elective courses that will be focusing on frontier research topics. The third and fourth year are devoted to the doctoral thesis.

The Faculty includes internationally acknowledged top researchers in Statistics, Computer Science, Decision Theory, Statistical Physics and Machine Learning. The program also benefits from contributions of authoritative visiting professors who deliver short monographic courses.

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