Academic Requirements

Law Students (AY 2024-25)

The Exchange Program is open to students regularly enrolled in their 3rd and 4th year of an Integrated Master of Arts in Law.

Academic requirements

  • GPA: minimum 22/30 (average weighted on credits)*
  • 3rd year students credits: at least 100% of 1st year and 60% of 2nd year credits registered 
  • 4th year students credits: at least 100% of 1st year, 60% of 2nd year credits and 60% of 3rd year credits registered
  • The calculation of minimum average & credits includes all the exams officially registered in your career before February 3rd, 2024 (end of the ordinary exam session).

Please note:

  • 3rd year students: exams which are not part of the 1st, 2nd year study plan and 3rd year - 1st semester - study plan are not included;

  • 4th year students: exams which are not part of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd year study plan and 4th year - 1st semester - study plan are not included;

  • courses subdivided in modules will be considered as separated courses for the minimum academic requirements and exchange score calculation.