Learning Objectives

The Master of Science in Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology has the following educational objectives:

  • provide advanced preparation in the main economic-business subjects in order to understand the implications of the technological innovations in the single sectors, and the implications in terms of regulations and competition analysis;
  • develop the skills to have a complete understanding of the implications of innovation procedures in companies, in terms of innovation development, introduce innovation in business processes and develop an entrepreneurial approach in companies;
  • complete one's economics-business studies providing quantitative and juridical competences, so as to develop interdisciplinary problem analysis skills;
  • develop behavioral skills via ad hoc seminars and via in / out of class activities related to courses, namely skills in communication, in interaction, in addressing complex issues;
  • promote fluency in English to work effectively and efficiently; proficiency in a second EU language (Italian for non-Italian native speakers). Finally, to foster a wide-ranging culture to develop critical thinking and to delve into cutting-edge topics.