Theses-Final Papers guidance

The Master's thesis in Law represents a milestone in your educational journey, a step that likely leads to the culmination of your university experience.

Through the development of the thesis, in fact, you have the opportunity to demonstrate not only personal but also intellectual maturity, independence of judgment, originality, and the ability to apply to a specific context the preparation received during your course of study.

The starting point is the identification of the research topic, with reference to which one (or more than one) specific research question must then be developed. You may also draw on work (internship) or study experience in Italy or abroad.

In the thesis you must demonstrate mastery of the methodological foundations of the relevant disciplinary area and carry out thorough research and analysis of the relevant bibliography, developing, in an original way, theoretical aspects or applied aspects.

In the following link you can find the subject areas of interest of the faculty members of the Department of Legal Studies. For further details you can refer to the CLMG Thesis Implementation Guide and/or contact Prof. Stefania Boffano (

To instruct the research project, the reference journals for the Department of Legal Studies are available at the following link.

Thematic areas and reference teachers

Thesis and graduation sessione Guide