Language Exchange

Is there a language that you know, but that you'd like to know better? Are you looking for someone to talk to in that language?

You’re invited to the 2nd edition of  the Language Exchange – 2019-2020 a.y., organized by the Language Center! 

Tandem language learning - What is it?

Applications from 27th January to 10th February 2020.

Choose the language you want to practice and you will be put in touch with a Bocconi student of another nationality who wants to practice a language that you know at least at an advanced level.

To take part:

  • Fill in the enrolment form online (available from 27th January)
  • Organize a one-hour weekly meeting with your partner. The meetings can be held where and when you want, and will continue for at least three months.

If you want to take part, you should have at least an elementary A2 level for the language you want to practice.

Moreover, facebook group "Bocconi Language Exchange", will put you in touch with your language partner and allow you to join the community of students selected to participate in the Language Exchange!

It should be underlined that it may not be possible to satisfy all the requests, due to the high number of applications received.

The Language Center will be there to help you with suggestions and clarifications and after the application all the information about the Language Exchange will be sent only via Bocconi e-mail address.