Double Degree Law

Selected students will spend their entire 5th year at one of the partner institutions.

Bocconi will make every effort to guarantee that selected students can take
advantage of the Double Degree opportunity. We are working very closely with
our Partners in order to assure the academic continuity and the regular
delivery of the program. Please consider that in light of the general
uncertainty and fluidity of the global situation, teaching methods (physical,
blended, online) at Partner Universities may be subject to change. Please consider that temporary national travel and visa
restrictions – beyond Bocconi’s control – may further limit access to specific
Countries or Regions.

The safety and well-being
of students and of all the members of the community remain our utmost

Bocconi keeps monitoring
regularly the development of the Risk rate in each country, in accordance with
official indications of the MAECI, the local authorities and the Partner

Moreover, in order to
ensure a thoughtful and safe travel experience, Bocconi provides International
SOS services.

Enter your yoU@B (under
International Relations / International SOS section) to access the
International SOS portal, and to read the Students Travel Risk Policy.  

2021-2022 Partner Institutions and Programs

Singapore Management University, School of Law
Program: LLM Cross-border Business and Finance Law in Asia

Slots offered: 1                                                                English Language Requirements:
Code: 1942                                                                      IELTS 7 or TOEFL 100 
Dates: August - April 
Study plan: 60 ECTS 

Cross-border Business and Finance Law in Asia 

Final qualification awarded by completion of the Program:  Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza Bocconi + LLM SMU

Maastricht University, School of Law
Program: European Law School

Slots offered: 1                                                                English Language Requirements:
Code: 1838                                                                      IELTS 7 or TOEFL 100 or CAE B
Dates: September - June 
Study plan: 60 ECTS 
Specialisations: European Law and Market Integration; European Public Law and GovernanceGeneral Program
Final qualification awarded by completion of the Program:  Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza Bocconi + European Law School Master degree
Important Note
A final work (Thesis) is required in order to graduate in Maastricht. 

Fordham University, School of Law
Program: LLM

Slots offered: 1                                                                English Language Requirements:
Code: 1842                                                                      IELTS 7 or TOEFL 100
Dates: August - May 
Study plan: 24 US credits (48 ECTS)
LLM Areas of Study*: Banking, Corporate and Finance Law; Corporate Compliance; Intellectual Property and Information Technology LawInternational Business and Trade Law; International Dispute Resolution; International Law and Justice
Final qualification awarded by completion of the Program:  Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza Bocconi + LLM Fordham

Indiana University, Maurer School of Law
Program: LLM

Slots offered: 1                                                                English Language Requirements:
Code: 1843                                                                      IELTS 7 or TOEFL 100
Dates: August - May 
Study plan: 24 US credits (48 ECTS)
LLM Specializations*: Business and commercial law; Financial regulation and capital marketsInformation privacy and cybersecurity lawIntellectual property lawInternational and comparative law and globalization; American law.
Final qualification awarded by completion of the Program:  Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza Bocconi + LLM Indiana

*Please note that access to specializations is not guaranteed: LLM advisors will evaluate requests, preferences and background of selected students and assign them to a concentration accordingly.

Please note: in order to achieve the final LLM qualification from the host institution, students participating in the Double Degree Law must obtain their Bocconi degree by December of the year they complete the LLM program at the host institution.

For further details on the Programs, please contact the Law Double Degree office.