ISU Bocconi bracket

-Being updated-

ISU Bocconi bracket.  

The ISU Bocconi brackets for the a.y. 2020-21 are as follows:

Isu Bocconi bracket Isee values
1st Isu Bocconi Bracket from € 0.00 to € 14,420.31

2nd Isu Bocconi Bracket

from € 14,420.32 to € 17,709.34

3rd Isu Bocconi Bracket

from € 17,709.35 to € 23,000.00

For the 2021-2022 academic year, the Isu Bocconi Brackets will be defined at a later date by a decision of the Region of Lombardy.

Please note:

ISU Bocconi brackets and related methods and timelines for determining them are in no way related to those
set out by the University for the purposes of placement in brackets for determining academic tuition and fees .