Bocconi International Undergraduate

The Financial aid — key information
Tuition and fees 50% reduction

Bocconi University is committed to making our
superior level of higher education available to outstanding students. Awards
provide recipients with valuable financial support, ensuring students can enjoy
the benefits of a top-quality academic experience regardless of their financial
situation. Bocconi International Awards will be made available to first-year
Undergraduate applicants for the 2021-2022academic year based on their academic standing.

International students applying for admission
during the Early, Winter or Spring Sessions will be taken into consideration
for merit-based financial aid.

The Bocconi International Award consists
of a 50% tuition reduction on the ordinary fees target.

The provisions below constitute official
publication of the regulations of the “Bocconi International Award
Undergraduate ” benefit for assignees in the a.y. 2021-2022.


Academic profiles
considered to be amongst the top applicants will be considered for merit-based
financial aid based on the admissions application submitted to Bocconi

A separate application is not required. The evaluation will
primarily be based on the candidate’s academic achievement. In addition to
academic achievement, the complete dossier provided to the Admissions Office
will be evaluated.

The selection of awardees will be carried out by a
Committee, nominated by the Rector, including the Dean of the Undergraduate
School and the Dean for International Affairs, whose decisions about numbers,
amounts and recipients are final and cannot be appealed.


The assignment of an award will be communicated to
awarded students together with admission results and with
a separate and more detailed email by the Fees, Funding and Housing Office.


students will need to follow the procedure indicated in the email they will
receive by the Fees, Funding and Housing Office soon after the publication of
admission results and therefore complete the online scholarship
acceptance procedure by the enrollment deadline.

The scholarship acceptance procedure can be accessed only after
completing the enrollment procedure.


The Bocconi International Award will be automatically renewed
for the entire legal duration of the regular course of study if the following
requirements are met:

-  enrollment requirements:
completion of the enrollment in each academic year within the deadlines
foreseen by Academic Services;

- merit requirements:

  • the second year (AY 2022-2023) provided the awardee
    earns at least 49 credits as of 10 August 2022
  • the third year (AY
    2023-2024) provided the awardee earns at least 95 credits as of
    10 August 2023.

The renewal of the benefit for the academic year 2022-2023 will be included in the
student's financial situation, which can be viewed at the Punto Blu (>
administrative area> Fees, Funding and Housing) ONLY after verification by
the Fees, Funding and Housing Office of the regular enrollment for the academic
year 2022-2023.

For this reason,
students who in the academic year 2022-2023 will be "registered with reserve" (or have
enrollment subject to reserve) will not be able to view in the system the
confirmation of the benefit for the academic year 2022-2023 until the
reserve is lifted.

The provisions above constitute official publication of the
regulations concerning the renewal of the “Bocconi International Award
Undergraduate” benefit for assignees in the a.y. 2021-2022..


The award will be revoked in the following situations:

  • Award
    of an equal or larger benefit in Bocconi for the same academic year; it is
    specified in this regard that in case the student should subsequently lose the
    major benefit, the Bocconi International Award Undergraduate cannot be
  • Verifications carried out by the Fees, Funding and Housing Office
    reveal false declarations made by the student for the
    assignment of the award: the revocation shall take effect starting from the
    moment in which the illicit behavior took place and shall entail the full
    payment of due tuition and fees starting from the academic year in which the
    student benefited from the waiver following false declarations (articles 71 and
    75 of Italian D.P.R. 445/2000);
  • disciplinary
    sanctions imposed by Bocconi University: disciplinary sanctions
    imposed by Bocconi University will result in a revocation of the benefit
    starting from the day the disciplinary sanction is imposed. Students whose
    award is revoked will be required to pay in full any tuition and fees
    installments that may still be due for
    the ordinary fees target
    at the date of the
    revocation, according to the official deadlines defined by the Fees, Funding
    and Housing Office.

The provisions above
constitute official publication of the regulations concerning the revocation of
the “Bocconi International Award Undergraduate” benefit for assignees in the
a.y. 2021-2022.