Educational Objectives
The Bachelor of Science in Economics, Management and Computer Science has the following specific objectives:
- to deliver a basic preparation in economics, management and law to provide students with the critical ability to understand the external environment as well as the internal environment (structure and governance, decision-making mechanism) and the regulatory boundaries in which private and/or public institutions operate
- to provide a distinctive preparation characterized by a sound knowledge of quantitative, mathematical-statistical and IT tools as a complement of economics and management theoretical models needed to interpret, at macro and microeconomic level, the big data made available in a global data-driven economy, whose prompt and appropriate use can help improve the decision-making process and give enterprises real competitive advantages
- to promote students' confidence in the use of modern technology available in enterprises and give them the competence to use it effectively in the decision-making process
- to develop students' ability to confidently use two EU languages for a more successful professional performance in the business world
- to encourage students to act responsibly when making decisions in a professional context.