Amalia Rosalie Repele
Field: Macroeconomics
Research Interests: Heterogeneous agents, labor markets, business cycles.
(Expected) Graduation: January 2025
- Antonella Trigari
- Tommaso Monacelli
Nicola Pavoni
Bocconi University,
Department of Econcomics, Office 5.D2.07, Via G. Roentgen 1, 20136, Milan (Italy)

In my research, I study the interaction between inequality and labor market outcomes and its relevance over business cycles, both theoretically and using micro data. I will be on the market in the fall.
Wealth Sorting and Cyclical Employment Risk
Using data from the PSID survey in the U.S., I present suggestive evidence that the employment probability of asset-poor individuals is more elastic to changes in aggregate output. This finding cannot be fully explained by skills, socio-demographics or past income. I propose a directed search framework that generates this covariance in equilibrium, through job sorting. The model features two-sided heterogeneity in the labor market and aggregate uncertainty. Under certain conditions, asset-poor individuals sort into jobs featuring larger cyclical unemployment risk, as these jobs offer higher matching probability. Through a similar mechanism, in bad times agents choose to adjust their job search to "worse" jobs to sustain their consumption. I quantify the implications of wealth sorting on wages and job transitions over the business cycle, and revisit results on the cost of business cycles across the wealth distribution.
- Repele, A. - "Wealth Sorting and Cyclical Employment Risk"
- Bobasu, A., Dobrew, M., & Repele, A. – "Energy price shocks, monetary policy and inequality"
- Bobasu, A., & Repele, A. – "Effects of monetary policy on labor income: the role of the employer"
- Confalonieri, G., & Repele, A. – "Labor market inequality, insurance mechanisms and the amplification of business cycles"