Other Scholarships and Funds

finduddannelse.dk Sustainability Scholarship
Sustainability Scholarship worth  €5000. The scholarship is open to students from all over the world who are planning on starting a master's degree in the fall of 2021 that can help them make the world more sustainable.
More information can be found at this website.  

The Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program

The Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP) was launched by the Ford Foundation in 2000 to provide opportunities for advanced study to exceptional individuals who will use this education to become leaders in their respective fields, furthering development in their own countries and greater economic and social justice worldwide. To ensure that Fellows are drawn from diverse backgrounds, IFP actively seekscandidates from social groups and communities that lack systematic access to higher education.

Eligibility: Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program applicants must be resident nationals or residents of an eligible IFP country or territory. Currently, these are: Brazil, Chile, China, Egypt, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Palestine, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, and Vietnam. IFP selects Fellows on the strength of their clearly stated intention to serve their communities and countries of origin, and expects that they will honour this obligation.




Aga Khan Foundation (AKF)

The Foundation has an international scholarship programme which provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from developing countries, who have no other means of financing their studies. Scholarships are awarded on a 50% grant, 50% loan basis through a competitive application process once a year in June.

The Foundation gives priority to requests for Master's level courses but is also willing to consider applications for PhD programmes, when doctoral degrees are necessary for the career objectives of the student. Applications for short-term courses are not considered; neither are applications from students who have already started their course of study.

Eligibility: The Foundation accepts applications from countries where it has branches, affiliates or other AKDN agencies which can help with processing applications and interviewing applicants. At present, these are  Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Madagascar, Syria, Iran, France, Portugal,the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. 



Forté Fellows Program:
Forté Foundation is pleased to offer fellowships to women who are pursuing a full-time, part-time or executive MBA education at participating business schools. Forté Foundation Fellowships are intended to increase the number of women applying to and enrolling in MBA programs.

The Paras Education Foundation 
The Paras Education Foundation (TPEF) is the premier provider of international student loan programs & finance options for education purposes worldwide. 


Islamic Development Bank Merit Scholarship Programme for High Technology (IDB member countries)


Open Society Foundations Global Supplementary Grant (International)


Regione Sardegna