Integrated Master of Arts in Law

Chinese (as additional exam)


Certification Level

Level to be recorded in the study plan

Type of Students


For HSK (written examination):     

from A1 general to C2

For HSKK (oral texamination):

from Elementary to Advanced

The same of the wtitten examination (HSK) 

Students who have already passed the exams of the first 3 years of study


Students who wish to register Chinese certification in their study plan as additional exams (4 credits in addition to 120/180/300 credits) must pass both the written examination HSK and the associated oral examination HSKK.

By the score for the written and the oral, you get the final mark out of thirty. The final score is calculated as follows: 75% written part + 25% oral part. When the result score is expressed to decimal places, the result is rounded up when the decimal place is greater or equal to 0,5.

The written examination and oral examination correspond to two independent certifications provided separately.