ISEEU parificato certificate

If you are an international or Italian student with official registered address abroad, or if you are an international student with official registered address in Italy but you cannot be considered independent and the other members of your family household have official registered address abroad, in order to access the 2022-2023 Right to University Education benefits, you need to have an ISEEU parificato certificate.

How to request the ISEEU parificato?

The ISEEU parificato certificate can only be released by the Centro Autorizzato di Assistenza Fiscale (CAAF)  affiliated with Bocconi University.

To request the release of the ISEEU parificato, students must send in a single email a copy of all the necessary documents described in the box below at

Submission of the application and documents to CAAF must be made staarting from January 20th, 2022 and at least three business days prior to the due date of the application for which the ISEEU parificato is requested.

Please note

Only students, not resident in Italy, who submit the "Preferential rate renawal application" and who have not obtained the release of the ISEEU parificato certificate 2022 by February 20th, 2022 will be able, to submit their application, to upload in the specific upload space of the economic requirements section, the print of the "Declaration of commitment" available within the procedure and the copy of the email taking charge of the request for processing the ISEEU parificato certificate 2022 issued by the CAAF. The ISEEU parificato certificate 2022 issued by the CAAF will subsequently be uploaded within the procedure by and no later than March 4th, 2022.

The following documents are needed in order to obtain the ISEEU parificato certificate:

  1. For non-first year students in the 2022-2023 a.y.: 
    the "Autodichiarazione anni Iscrizione", a self-declaration of enrollment at Bocconi University for the 2021-2022 a.y. that can be downloaded from the agenda yoU@B;
  2. For FIRST YEAR students in the 2022-2023 a.y.: a document attesting the completion of the enrollment procedure for the 2022-2023 a.y. ("confirmation letter" to be printed from the enrollment procedure in My Application);
  3. Copy of a valid ID (Passport, identity card) and fiscal code;
  4. Certificate of family household issued by the competent Authority;
  5. Income tax declaration for 2020 calendar year for each member of the family household (the document must clearly attest the incomes referred to 2020 calendar year. If during 2020 one or more members of the family household of age 18 and over have not earned any income, a document certifying this is required);
  6. Certificazione Unica 2021 of the student referred to 2020 income in case the student received university scholarships for Right of University Education in Italy during 2020;
  7. Ownership of real estates of any family household members at 31/12/2020 with indication of the squared meters (the document must be issued by the relevant authority on this subject). If in 2020 no real estates were owned by the family, it is necessary to provide a certificate attesting the absence of ownership of real estates for every member of the household of age 18 and over;
  8. Official documents attesting movable assets of the family household at 31/12/2020:
       a. balance of bank and/or deposit accounts;
       b. account balance of shares, dividends, shareholdings, capitalization policies any other type of financial investment.
  9. In the presence of business activities, individual or corporate as of 31/12/2020, obliged and not obliged to prepare financial statements: Financial statements form (pdf) provided by Bocconi University. The financial statements form must be submitted for each individual or corporate company and must be completed, signed and approved by the professional who manages the company’s accounting. This document will also need to be uploaded in the online application together with the ISEEU parificato;
  10. In case of absence of sole proprietorship or business activities of the nuclear family, it is mandatory to fill out, sign and submit the “Declaration of Absence of Sole Proprietorship or Business Activities” (pdf). In case the student is a minor, also the signature of the parent exercising legal authority is required. This document must be uploaded together with the ISEEU parificato in the online application.
  11. Sentence of separation or divorce in case of separation or divorce of the parents.

The above mentioned documents must be:

  • Issued by the relevant authorities of the country where incomes were earned;
  • Legalized by the qualified local Italian diplomatic or consular authorities of the given country or with the Apostille stamp;
  • Documents mentioned above, issued in foreign language, must be provided together with a compliant Italian translation, certified by qualified local Italian diplomatic representatives or by an official translator. 

For information on translation and legalization services, please refer to the Italian diplomatic representative in your country.

The calculation of the parameters will be carried out only if documents submitted by students are issued by the competent authorities in the country where incomes were earned.

the CAAF does not calculate the ISEEU parificato should one of the following situations occur:

  • Income documents not referred to calendar year 2020;
  • Documents attesting real estates ownership not referred to calendar year 2020;
  • Missing document n.9 (financial statements form) in case the student has not submitted document n.10 (attesting the absence of sole proprietorship or business activities of the nuclear family). It is compulsory to submit either document nr 9 either document nr 10;
  • Documents non translated into Italian by an official translator;
  • Documents released by private entities and not by the competent authorities in the country where incomes were earned. 

After receiving the student’s email requesting the processing of the ISEEU parificato certificate, the CAAF will:

send the student an acceptance email;

process the ISEEU parificato certificate only after verifying that the documentation sent is complete and in compliance with the current regulations on ISEEU parificato;

> send the student the ISEEU parificato certificate via email.