In-Company Training abroad


Career programs organized at company premises and structured in a theoretical part (company presentations, speeches) and a practical one (business cases, group work, networking, etc.). 

What’s in it for you? You will gain better understanding of employers and the job market in different Countries, join hands-on projects, engage with company representatives to dive deep into their functional areas, career possibilities, and internship opportunities.

In-Company Training abroad programs have different timings, locations and tracks, and may vary in application deadlines and eligibility criteria.

Important info

Please find below important info on exceptional circumstances and student responsibilities (costs, visa, Bocconi Students Travel Risk Policy, travel recommendations of Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International SOS).

Participants are responsible for the following costs:

  • visa fees to enter the Country of destination (when required);
  • health insurance (when required);
  • meals and extra costs (when not included).

For EU Programs:

Participants have to reach the destination on their own. Travel and accommodation expenses shall be borne by participants responsible for their arrangements.

For extra-EU Programs:

Participants have to reach the destination on their own. Travel expenses shall be borne by participants, who are responsible for their own travel arrangements. Accommodation expenses will be covered by the University.

Before applying, please note that it is the students' responsibility to:

  • Verify personally, with the authorities of the hosting Country, the suitable procedures for obtaining the appropriate visa, if required, and any other necessary documentation in full compliance with local laws. All formalities relating to visas and other documents required to enter the Country are the responsibility of the student.
  • Read the “Bocconi Students Travel Risk Policy” (available on yoU@B), and comply with the risk mitigation measures suggested.
  • Access, through yoU@B diary, the Travel Risk Awareness Elearning, and the International SOS Member’s portal, which includes Country Guides and Travel Security and Medical Risk Ratings.
  • Check and follow all the travel recommendations of your Country’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International SOS.

Please, be aware that Bocconi University reserves the right to cancel the Program if exceptional circumstances occur before or during the carrying out of the Program.

Travel and health risks can rapidly change and lead Bocconi University and hosting Institutions/Companies or Countries to increase travel and health restrictions. In any case, Bocconi University does not guarantee that the In-Company Training will take place if the general conditions do not safeguard the well-being and safety of students.
