Blood Drive with Avis Milano
Bocconi values the importance of issues related to the health, quality of life and social engagement of its students, faculty and staff.
This is why it has launched a variety of initiatives aimed at promoting increased awareness of several of these important issues. Included among the various opportunities, a special focus is given to raising awareness of blood donation.
Why donate blood:
The use of blood and blood products is growing. Blood cannot be produced, it must be donated. To meet the needs of hospitals in Milan, 150 donors more than those who currently donate would be needed every day.
At Bocconi:
A dedicated desk to apply for blood donation will be available on campus on 15 April on the occasion of the Bocconi Community Volunteer Fair.
The Bloodmobile will be available on campus on 13, 14 and 15 May 2025 from 7.30am to 2pm (backyard Roentgen).
If you are interested in the donation, please read carefully the document attached in this page before filling out the dedicated form.
Uff. Servizio Donatori AVIS Milano 02/70635020_scelta 1
- Weight: not less than 50kg regardless of height or constitution
- Age between 18 and 60 for the first donation
- Must not have taken any painkillers and aspirin in the last week, and must not have taken any antibiotics or antibacterials in the last two weeks. Can regularly take vitamins and the birth control pill.
- Do not take blood pressure medication on the morning of the donation but bring it with you. Finasteride and Dutasteride for prostate problems: 1 month from the last use
- Not currently menstruating (it is recommended to allow at least 1 week to elapse from the end of the period)
- Have not gotten any tattoos, acupuncture, no ear piercings or other piercings in the last 4 months
- Has not traveled or stayed in tropical or malarial areas in the last 6 months; 1 month if non-European countries
- Stable sexual relations with the same partner for at least 4 months (or none)
- Never had Hepatitis B or C, syphilis, unsafe sexual practices at risk of sexually transmitted diseases and use of drugs or steroids and hormones for sporting purposes.
- in case of COVID positivity wait 7 days after recovery
- For NON-EUROPEAN citizens a continuous residency in Italy of at least 2 years is required.
- For NON-ITALIAN candidates, please note that good knowledge of the Italian language is REQUIRED, as well as valid documents, not expired, to be shown to the doctor: residence permit/Green card - ID card/passport and health insurance card.
- NECESSARY good knowledge of the Italian language - All other eligibility criteria that cannot be translated into another language must be read
Please make sure you carefully read all detailed information about the donation in the attachments section.