Language Center at a Glance

Language Courses and Certifications


Courses to prepare for curricular exams (English, Italian, French, Spanish, German).

Language and culture courses, language introductory courses, courses to prepare some international certifications of curricular and extra-curricular languages, workshops to develop phrasing and wording skills in English related to soft skills (e.g. persuading, writing) and a short online course to learn the basics of Italian language.

Moreover, only for students enrolled in MSc programs: Enhancing Experience - Curricular supplementary activities awarding 2 credit points.

Bocconi is Test Center for several English and French certifications such as:

  • IELTS Academics
  • DFP Affaires B1 and B2 level.


Services to Promote Learning


Language Lab with computer stations specially equipped to help students improve their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.
Multimedia materials for both EU and non-EU languages (some materials are only for consultation, some others are also available online): online self-assessment tests, materials to prepare for internal exams and international certifications, online courses, original language movies and magazines, digital tools and applications.

Optional sessions dedicated to excercises of specific basic language topics, accessible upon reservation, reserved for students enrolled in curricular language preparatory courses.

Service that enables matched students who are native speakers of different languages to talk together and learn from each other.

Films in original language (English, French, Spanish, German), open to students, Faculty and staff to share some leisure time through a mix of culture and fun. All movie sessions are introduced by Language Center teachers.