Amount of the cash stipend

The amount of the ISU Bocconi Scholarships is defined annually by the Lombardy Region with its own resolution.

The amount of the ISU Bocconi Scholarships is divided into 3 parts as follows:

1. Cash stipend (which will be disbursed to all recipient students as follows):

RESIDENT € 2.275,00 € 1.867,00 € 1.080,00
COMMUTING € 3.565,00 € 2.981,00 € 2.153,00
NON RESIDENT € 6.746,00 € 5.747,00 € 4.527,00

For female students enrolled in S.T.E.M. degrees ("Data Science and Business Analitycs", "Cyber ​​Risk Strategy and Governance" and "Mathematical and Computing Sciences for Artificial Intelligence" degree programs) the amount of the scholarship corresponds to the 2nd ISU Bocconi bracket increased by 20%, if the 2023 ISEE/ISEEU parificato value is between € 0 and € 16,223.41. The amount of the scholarship corresponds to the 3rd ISU Bocconi bracket increased by 20%, if the 2023 ISEE/ISEEU parificato value is between € 16.223,42 and € 24.335,11.

The annual amount of the scholarship for students with disability pursuant to Italian Law n.104/1992 or with civil disability equal or greater than 66% can be increased up to a maximum of 40% of the amount due depending on the disability of the student, in order to allow the use of prostheses and assistive devices, as well as all interventions that facilitate the use of teaching and study. This increase can be attributed at the request of the interested party.

All of the amounts above are halved for fuori corso students receiving ISU Bocconi Scholarship.

Further information about the timing and the methods of payment are available at this link .

2. Free meals amount for € 770,00, (which will be delivered by December 2023 for all eligible students recipients and not-recipients). For fuori corso students receiving ISU Bocconi Scholarship the free meals amount is halved.

3. Reimbursement of the regional tax for the Right to University Study (which will be done for all the eligible students recipients and non-recipients, will be processed by the end of December 2023, and will be included in the reimbursement of the first installment-advance a.y. 2023-24).