Economic Requirements

In order to apply for the 2021-2022 Right to University Education funding opportunities (ISU Bocconi Scholarship, Reduced-rate housing, Reduced-rate canteen service) students meeting all specific requirements for each application will also need to meet economic requirements established on a Regional level. In order to attest their economic eligibility, applicants will be required to submit all necessary documentation.

Economic Requirements

For the 2021-2022 a.y., the approved limits are the following:

>> ISEE/ISEEU Parificato no higher than €23,000
>> ISPE/ISPEU Parificato no higher than €50,000

In order to apply for assistance of the Right to University Education students will need to obtain an Attestazione ISEE per prestazioni agevolate per il diritto allo studio universitario issued in 2021 that attest both ISEE and ISPE below the foreseen limits, otherwise it will not be possible to accept the application. It is specified that the ISPE value is calculated by the University by dividing the ISP value by the "scala di equivalenza".

Non-Italian students (or non-Italian residents) and non-autonomous non-Italian students residing in Italy with a family unit residing abroad must request a replacement indicator of the ISEE and ISPE value for the purpose of “subsidized benefits for the right to university study”, known as ISEEU/ISPEU parificato.The ISEEU/ISPEU parificato may only be issued by the CAF (Tax Assistance Center) partnered with Bocconi University. 

For all applicants, citizens of non-EU Countries, whose family household held assets at 31 December 2019 or produced income in 2019 in countries outside Italy, please note that, pursuant to Italian D.G.R. 2019 of Italian D.lgs 286/98, of Italian D.P.R. n. 394 of 31 August 1999, declarations that attest an annual income less than € 5,983.64 will not be considered valid for the purposes of ISU Bocconi eligibility, as it is incompatible with immigration regulations.

Economic requirements for INDEPENDENT STUDENTS

For the purposes of assessing economic status, students shall be considered independent only if both of the following requirements are met:

  • Residence, as proven by registry data, outside the housing unit of the family of origin for at least two years before the date of application submission, in accommodation that is not owned or in usufruct by one of its members (students are also not independent if they are co-owners of the accommodation with at least one member of the family of origin or if at least one member holds the real right or personal right to use the accommodation);
  • Income from employment or similar work, declared for tax purposes for the at least the past two years, not less than €6,500.00 annually. The work may not be performed under the employment of a family member.

If both the above conditions are not met – and duly documented – the student is part of the parents’ family unit, and therefore the economic and asset condition of the family of origin will be considered when determining eligibility for Right to University Education assistance and the ISU Bocconi bracket.

The additional documentation required to independent students is listed on the "Necessary documentation" webpage.


The family unit (Family household compisition) is defined pursuant to the
Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers 5 December 2013, n. 159