Erasmus+ Scholarship: After Mobility

At the end of your mobility period, you need to complete the following procedures to confirm your Erasmus scholarship and request the final payment.

It is the official document listing all courses, the grades achieved on the final exams, and the number of credits for each course. Your host university will usually make a transcript available electronically to you, or send it directly to Bocconi. Please carefully check your host university's procedures regarding transcripts.

Check that the approved Online Learning Agreement matches the final list of courses/activities on the official Transcript of Records.


In case the approved Online Learning Agreement is different from the final study plan you completed abroad, please start again the approval process (see the EWP-OLA user guide in the Download section below).


Please note: This activity has no effect on your Bocconi study plan structure and composition; you will receive detailed instructions on how to finalize the recognition process at the end of your semester abroad.

The Certificate of Departure is useful to confirm your departure from the host university and to calculate your actual days of mobility. For further information please visit the International Mobility Grant webpage.

It is a mandatory questionnaire sent by the European Commission to monitor the quality of your mobility. It is sent after the end of your mobility. The survey is sent via email from the EC systems directly, please make sure you fill it in in a timely manner, as it is compulsory to receive the final payment of your scholarship.