Cash stipend

Eligible recipient students receive a cash stipend. The cash stipend is assigned according to the ranking order and in a limited number based on the availability of funds from the Lombardy Region (the number of cash stipends available for a.y. 2021-22 is indicated in the ISU Bocconi Scholarship Requirements and Regulations - ART.5).

The amount of the scholarship is variable, based on the student's situation, considering:

  1. the student status;
  2. the ISU Bocconi bracket
  3. the enrollment as fuori corso student*

The amount of the scholarships is defined for each academic year by the Lombardy Region.
* The above amounts are halved for fuori corso students eligible for ISU Bocconi Scholarship.

The scholarship amounts will not include the amount of the regional tax for the right to university study. Indeed, the reimbursement of the regional tax for the right to university study, for all the eligible students (recipients and non-recipients) will be processed by the end of December 2021, and will be included in the reimbursement of the first installment-advance a.y. 2021-22.

Following the regional funds conferred by January, the first assignment recipients are defined; on the basis of the regional funds received by September, the second assignment recipients are defined (further information in the paragraph "Methods of payment").

Generally, regional funds do not allow the granting of the scholarship to all eligible students and therefore, at the end of the process, eligible students may remain non-recipients. These students could obtain the cash stipend at a later time, only if additional financial resources become available, approximately by December 2022.

The number of scholarships available for first-year and subsequent-year students, guaranteed by the Lombardy Region in the first assignment, is indicated in the final ISU Bocconi Requirements and Regulations. 

Students with disabilities equal or greater than 66%, if defined "eligible" in the final ranking, have the right to obtain the variable cash stipend, even if all scholarships available have already been assigned.

Methods of payment

Scholarship payment will be made to students who are eligible recipients in two installments each amounting to half the total scholarship, and only via wire transfer to an Italian current account in the name of or jointly in the name of the student recipient.

For this reason, students are recommended to indicate the bank account details on Punto Blu [Home > Personal data > Data Bank Account (Refunds)] by 30/09/2021.

Payment of the first installment of the ISU Bocconi Scholarship will be done approximately by the end of December 2021.

Payment of the second installment has different deadlines, depending on the academic year of study of the recipient student:

  • by 30 June 2022 to students in years subsequent to their first year of program and to PhD students;
  • not before the month of October 2022: only to eligible recipients that have earned the required number of credits on the date of 10 August 2022, whose scholarship has not been revoked


The cash scholarship for students who are eligible recipient in second assignment, on the other hand, is paid in a single installment, approximately within the month of November 2022.

If additional funds are made available, even not from the Lombardy Region, the last assignment could take place by December 2022.

It is specified that all eligible students (recipients and non-recipients), regardless of the moment of assignment of the scholarship, will receive the full amount of the amount for the free meal by December 2021.


For students whose enrollment is still subject to riserve, the payment for ISU Scholarship (for eligible recipient students) or for the amount defined for daily meal (for eligible non-recipient students) is suspended till the reserve is lifted.