Economic and Asset Situation

A. Y. 2024-2025

The economic and asset situation of the Bocconi conventional family household is defined using the evaluation method established by the University, upon controlling the correctness and completeness of all the required documentation.

In order to determine the economic and asset situation, the following elements must be considered.

For each member of the Bocconi conventional family household, Bocconi University considers the sum of total gross income received in 2022 in your country and abroad (including incomes which are fiscally exempt and which are not included on income tax returns due to their nature). We specify that we consider the gross income even in case of income fiscally exempt, earned without a withholding tax. 

In detail for each member of the Bocconi family household, Bocconi University considers real estate properties and movable assets owned in 2022 in your country and abroad.

Particularly, the real estate assets consist of buildings, land, and building areas, valued according to their market value. Please note that this calculation is also applied to the real estate assets in use (e.g., right of residence or other real rights of enjoyment).

The composition of the movable assets, contrarily, is defined in accordance with the national regulations provided in Article 5, paragraph 4, of Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers No. 159/2013 and subsequent amendments.

In detail, for each component of the conventional Bocconi family household, entrepreneurial, professional, and artistic activities are assessed based on the type of activity conducted, on the structural characteristics (such as revenue, workforce composition and cost, asset structure, minimum incomes, etc.), sectoral parameters, comparative data, and other significant factors.

All entrepreneurial, professional, and artistic activities in your country and abroad, including those stemming from ownership of equity stakes, are taken into consideration.

The evaluation of the economic and financial and asset situation is carried out by the Fees, Funding, and Housing Office, considering every relevant element for assessing the family's ability to contribute especially regarding the value of its estate and assets, exclusively based on the data and documentation provided in the dedicated online application.

The applications submitted after the deadline and/or according to different modalities will not be evaluated for the assignment of the benefit. Furthermore, benefits cannot be assigned to students who submit incomplete documentation, provide inconsistent data with the information presented in the documentation, or do not correspond to the results of the University's verification.

In the presence of incomplete, inconsistent, and/or irregular documentation, the University reserves the right to:

  • verify its accuracy;
  • not assign any benefit.

The economic condition is evaluated in terms of both income and assets and is benchmarked within the whole students of Bocconi University.



Please note that the University will not assign benefits if the applications submitted with tax and additional documentation are incongruous and/or inconsistent in terms of income (and/or in terms of movable assets of each bank accounts compared to the family income) concerning the obligations arising from the payment of academic tuition and fees. The University may, therefore, confirm the ordinary academic tuition and fees in case of applications submitted with incomplete documentation and/or when the family's financial situation is unclear. In the absence of a clarification of the economic and asset situation of students and their families, no benefits can be granted.

The above-mentioned provisions constitute the official publication of the regulations for the a.y. 2024-2025 regarding the determination of the economic and asset situation of the conventional Bocconi family household.