Fees Relief Target

"Fees relief target" in brief
The financial aid — Key information
From 60% to 20% tuition reduction of the ordinary fees target

In the context of support of studies addressed to students, Bocconi University foresees for both national and international students enrolled in Bachelor of Science programs or Integrated Master of Arts in Law (first year and subsequents) the possible assignment of a reduction on the ordinary fees target called "Fees relief target".

This benefit foresees a reduction on the ordinary fees target according to 3 different fees relief targets.

The Fees, Funding and Housing office assesses the economic and asset situation of the Bocconi conventional family household of the student and defines the benefit to be assigned.

The different percentages of funding are always related to the situation and, usually, defined as follows:

  • 1st fees relief target: foreseen for economic and asset situations below € 59.000
  • 2nd fees relief target: foreseen for economic and asset situations between € 59.001 and € 93.000
  • 3rd fees relief target: between € 93.001 and € 135.000

Given that the evaluation of the economic and asset situation is carried out by the Fees, Funding and Housing office based on the documentation provided by the student in the dedicated online procedure, applications submitted after the deadline and/or according to different modalities will not be evaluated for the assignment of the benefit.
In addition, this benefit will not be applicable to students having an economic and asset situation above € 135.000 (limit above which the ordinary fees target is foreseen), to students who will submit incomplete documentation, that will provide information non corresponding to what highlighted by the relevant documents or with what subsequently verified by the University. To all these students, the ordinary fees target will be applied.

Please note that this benefit is compatible with other forms of exemption and/or funding offered by Bocconi University (15% reduction for siblings/spouses and the children of Bocconi/Egea employees, possible merit-based financial aid, scholarships and/or exemptions assigned by Bocconi according with agreements with partner institutions, other benefit assigned by the University for a.y. 2022-23).

The following provisions are official publication of the regulation for “Fees relief target a.y. 2022-2023” for students enrolled in the first year of Bachelor and Law programs in the academic year 2022-2023.

1. Eligible students

Students in possession of the following requirements may be evaluated for the assignment of a fees relief target:

  • Italian and international candidates enrolled in the first year of a Bachelor of Science program or Integrated Master of Arts in Law during a.y. 2022-23;

Please note that students transferring from other universities (enrolled in Bocconi for the first time during a.y. 2022-23) will have to submit the "Fees relief target" application according to the same deadlines, regardless of the credit recognition process and of the subsequent possibility of enrollment in one of the subsequent years of course.

In addition, please note that the request of relief on the ordinary fees target for a.y. 2022-23 may also be submitted by subsequent years students through the "Fees revaluation application a.y. 2022-23".

  • Students whose family household's economic and asset condition is below the limit foreseen for the ordinary fees target;
  • Students who have submitted the "Fees relief target" application for a.y. 2022-23 (for all the details please check the following paragraph and click on the link dedicated to the "Fees relief target" application)

The possession of the requirements indicated above does not entail automatic assignment of the benefit, rather it is only the necessary condition to access the evaluation process.

2. Deadlines and procedure

Interested students have to submit the "Fees relief target" application after having completed the enrollment procedure and exclusively in one of the following periods:

Admission round

Period of application*
Early session
from 1 March 2022 to 23 March 2022
Winter session from 24 March 2022 to 8 April 2022

Spring session
from 7 June 2022 to 22 June 2022

*Possible extensions/revision of the deadlines due to unforeseen circumstances will be published here.

The assignment of the fees relief target will be decided at the full discretion of Bocconi University. Results will be notified on MyApplication, where the "Fees relief target" application was submitted, with the following timing:

Publication of the results
Early, Winter & Spring sessions

starting from 10 October 2022

The benefit will not entail a specific acceptance, rather the financial situation on Punto Blu will be updated within approximately mid-November 2022.

The benefit assigned for the academic year 2022-2023 will be included in the student's financial situation, which can be viewed at the Punto Blu (> administrative area> Fees, Funding and Housing) ONLY after the Fees, Funding and Housing Office has verified that the student is regularly enrolled in the first year or regularly enrolled in the year following the first  to a.y. 2022-2023. For this reason, students who in the academic year 2022-2023 will be "enrolled with reserve" (or have enrollment subject to reserve) will not be able to view in the system the benefit assigned for the academic year 2022-2023.

The assigned benefit will be automatically renewed for the whole legal duration of the program (Bachelor of Science or Integrated Master of Arts in Law Program). Therefore the fees relief target assigned for the 1st year of enrollment (or for subsequent year in case of transferring students) will be applied for all the subsequent years of enrollment, except for possible request of fees target revaluation made by the student or by the University.

Please note that this benefit is not foreseen for Master of Science programs.

The assignment of the fees relief target will be revoked in the following cases:

acceptance, in any year of course, of a different benefit of an amount equal to or greater than the fees relief target assigned by Bocconi University; in this regard it is specified that in the event that the student should subsequently lose this new benefit, the fees relief target can be restored;

> verifications carried out by the Fees, Funding and Housing Office reveal false documentation and declarations made by the student for the assignment of the fees relief target: the revocation shall take effect starting from the moment in which the illicit behavior took place and shall entail the full payment (at the ordinary fees target) of due tuition and fees starting from the academic year in which the student benefited from the fees relief target following the false documentation and/or declarations (articles 71 and 75 of Italian D.P.R. 445/2000).