The activity of evaluating programs and their effectiveness is carried out by the University using a number of tools, the most important of which are:
There are two main opportunities to hear student opinions during Bocconi's teaching activities that are part of the study programs:
The mid-semester survey distributed in the middle of the semester (at the request of the course/class director) to check the progress of the course after a period has been observed since it began, and to collect information on any difficulties or issues in time to solve them before the end of the semester. The questionnaire used is structured in the form of open-ended questions designed to encourage students to provide free-form reports and observations on any aspect of the course;
At the end of each semester, close to the end of the session for each course, a survey is made available that is mandatory for all the courses taught in the program and for all the students enrolled in it.
It consists of filling in a questionnaire with closed questions and open comments and suggestions.
Since the 2013-2014 academic year, this survey phase has been carried out online, using Qualtrics software that can be accessed from BlackBoard and the yoU@B Diary.
The filling in of the questionnaires and the consequent processing and publishing of the results are carried out using procedures that guarantee the anonymity of the answers given.
The feedback collected through these procedures is used by the University to identify the possible issues that may hinder learning processes and to gain valuable insights for improving the organization and characteristics of the teaching offer; they are an important input in the internal process of evaluating the performance of instructors as well.
The results of the end-of-semester surveys are published as follows:
on this page, the reports containing statistical data aggregated at School level and detailed by course are accessible;
on the web page of each program, the report containing the aggregated data of the evaluations of all the subjects belonging to the program and the analytical results of the evaluations of individual subjects (expressed as median values referring to each item of the questionnaire) are available in free access (in the "Program performance" section);
in a private area accessible to faculty via the yoU@B Diary, dashboards with data disaggregated by course and aggregated by program, School and Department are available, profiled according to the role held.
Since 2003 Bocconi has been conducting a continuous survey of its graduating students' opinions on their overall university experience, on the program they have attended, as well as on the quality and usefulness of the infrastructures and specific services offered to them throughout their university studies.
All students whose applications for graduation have been officially approved are required to complete a compulsory questionnaire. This questionnaire, divided into several sections, is an integral part of the graduation process.
This process is designed to collect valuable feedback from our students. The opinions gathered will be used as an input for the improvement of our programs.
An email with a link to the online questionnaire will be sent to students via the Qualtrics platform.
The feedback from graduates is gathered through satisfaction surveys conducted at 1, 3, and 5 years post-graduation.
These surveys explore the following aspects:
- Satisfaction with the educational journey undertaken and the acquired knowledge and skills.
- Perception of the program's utility in their professional endeavors.
- Impressions of the contribution made by internship and study abroad experiences (if applicable) to their career integration.
Survey findings are shared with the Program Directors, who review them in their respective Bachelor/Master of Science Program Committees. This discussion aims to identify areas for improvement and actions to enhance student and graduate satisfaction.
Graduates survey results
Up until the 2018-2019 academic year, the University conducted an annual survey to gather students' opinions on the study program they had attended. This survey generally took place in the month of July each year, with the previous academic year as the year in focus.
The survey was made up of two different questionnaires: one for students who had attended more than 50% of the lessons and one for those who had attended less than 50%. The questionnaires examined logistical and organizational elements (such as the suitability of the classrooms or the way in which the timetable is organized), as well as aspects more strictly related to the qualities and methods of conducting the course, such as the topics and areas studied, the faculty, the teaching method, the workload required and the level of integration between the different courses.
Participation in this survey was not mandatory for students but was strongly encouraged. Furthermore, appropriate procedures were followed in compiling the questionnaires and in processing and publishing the results to ensure complete anonymity.
Bocconi University conducted a yearly survey until the 2018-2019 academic year. This survey aimed to collected student opinions on both the general aspects of Bocconi’s exam organization and the specific features and methodologies of individual exams. These include the alignment of exam conduct with the methods shared during lectures, the ability to verify the level of learning, perceived impartiality, and more.
Participation in this survey was not mandatory, but was strongly encouraged.
The collection of the questionnaires and the processing and publication of the results were carried out using procedures that ensured the anonymity of the responses.
The results of this survey were distributed as follows:
Reports containing overall statistical data (aggregated at the School level) and broken down by degree program are available on this site;
In a restricted area – accessible to faculty members via the yoU@B Diary – reports are available with data disaggregated by individual, as well as reports with analytical summaries by program, School and Department.