
Being part of the Bocconi community means sharing its values: independence, ethics, transparency, freedom of expression, equality, solidarity, promotion of diversity, attention to merit and development of individual abilities, professionalism and standards, social responsibility.

We are committed to maintaining an academic environment for all students that is free from all forms of discrimination based on race, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation. Any person who feels that they have been the subject of prohibited discrimination, harassment, or retaliation should contact the Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability, Professor Paola Profeta.




The University publishes and circulates the Code of Conduct for Faculty and Students and the Honor Code. These documents commit everyone within the Bocconi Community to maintaining an academic environment for all students that is free from all forms of discrimination based on race, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation.

The publication of the Inclusive Communication Guidelines (updated in June 2024) aims to increase awareness of how our choice of words, tone and behavior can influence the way other people see us. In particular, it provides the entire Bocconi community with linguistic strategies and tools for adopting language that is non-discriminatory and respects diversity.

Bocconi is committed to pursuing our core research and educational objectives in a physical and intellectual context where all members of our community receive – and offer to others – equality of opportunity and treatment, irrespective of their gender.
Important steps have been taken to ensure gender diversity within Bocconi in recent years. Our primary goals over the coming years should be increasing gender diversity within the University as well as within research and education. Ensuring that all Bocconi students, faculty and staff members have the same chance to thrive, regardless of gender, is something that benefits our entire community.

Resources available to the community include:

  • Inclusive Gender Equality Plan
    This report maps diversity within the Bocconi community whilst being sensitive to the interconnected nature of various categorizations, such as gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, nationality or mental health needs, which create overlapping forms of discrimination, disadvantage and marginalization.
  • Women Awards 
    These merit-based scholarships provide a full tuition waiver and are available to women admitted to programs with a STEM focus.
  • CarDev
    Provides career development assistance for women faculty, in the form of a teaching discount equal to 50% of the teaching load for the academic year and the allocation of €5,000 for additional individual research funds.
  • Bocconi Nursery
    A nursery school is available with discounted rates for faculty and staff members.
  • Promotion and Hiring Policy
    All promotion and hiring committees (CAP) are required to have at least one female member.
  • Mentoring Program
    University-wide mentoring program for female Assistant Professors.
  • Student Pregnancy Policy
    Students may request a temporary break in their studies during the year of pregnancy, which will not be counted as a year of regular enrollment.


Bocconi is committed to pursuing our core research and educational objectives in a physical and intellectual context where all members of our community receive – and offer to others – equality of opportunity and treatment, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity
Important steps have been taken to ensure the inclusion of LGBTQIA+ students, faculty and staff in recent years. Ensuring that all Bocconi students, faculty and staff members have the same chance to thrive, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, is something that benefits our entire community.
Resources available to the community include:

  • Alias Regulation
    The Alias identity is an alternative and temporary bureaucratic profile that replaces the registry name of a person going through a gender reassignment process with a chosen name, and a means to support students, staff and faculty who are transitioning. 
    The “Bocconi Carriera Alias” program was formally launched in January 2022. In addition to administrative and other organizational matters, “Bocconi Carriera Alias” involves a mentorship program as well.
  • Bocconi Equal Students
    This student association promotes equality and respect for any form of gender diversity and sexual orientation by organizing events, conferences and debates on these topics, among many others.
  • All Gender Restrooms on the Bocconi Campus
    In order to make sure everyone feels comfortable when using the restroom, including anyone who does not identify with the male or female gender, non-binary and transgender people, 10 all gender restrooms have been established on the Bocconi campus alongside the restrooms already available at the University.
    All gender restrooms are present in every Bocconi University building and are open to everyone.


Bocconi is committed to pursuing our core research and educational objectives in a physical and intellectual context where all members of our community receive – and offer to others – equality of opportunity and
treatment, irrespective of their race or ethnicity
Important steps have been taken to ensure the inclusion of students, faculty and staff of all races and ethnicities in recent years. Ensuring that all Bocconi students, faculty and staff members have the same chance to thrive, regardless of their origins, is something that benefits our entire community.

Bocconi’s diversity, equity and inclusion strategy strengthens the University’s efforts to increase inclusion of a diverse student, faculty and staff body, according to different parameters, with a special focus on inequalities relating to race and ethnicity. Racial and ethnic inequalities are a persistent issue within higher education, and they are not necessarily isolated incidents.

It is important to realize that students, faculty and staff who are part of ethnic minorities are not a homogenous group, rather they comprise people with various backgrounds and thus may have very different experiences. In accordance with Bocconi University’s Honor Code every student, faculty and staff member should be treated equally and with respect by others regardless of their race or ethnicity.

Bocconi is committed to pursuing our core research and educational objectives in a physical and intellectual context where all members of our community receive – and offer to others – equality of opportunity and treatment, irrespective of their religion or religious practices
Important steps have been taken to ensure the inclusion of students, faculty and staff of all religions in recent years. Ensuring that all Bocconi students, faculty and staff members have the same chance to thrive, regardless of their faith, is something that benefits our entire community.
The class schedule and exam calendar take some religious holidays into consideration, and the campus has an interfaith area open to all religious creeds. Specific dietary needs can also be accommodated on campus. More information is available on the website at Diversity@Bocconi:
Culture, Religion.