
Being part of the Bocconi community means sharing its values: independence, ethics, transparency, freedom of expression, equality, solidarity, promotion of diversity, attention to merit and development of individual abilities, professionalism and standards, social responsibility.

We are committed to maintaining an academic environment for all students that is free from all forms of discrimination based on race, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation. 


The University publishes and circulates the Codes of Conduct for Faculty and Students and the Honor Code. These documents commit everyone within the Bocconi Community to maintaining an academic environment for all students that is free from all forms of discrimination based on race, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation.

The University has established the Anti-Discrimination Service Desk with the aim of ensuring an inclusive environment and providing effective support to anyone who feels they have been victims of discrimination or harassment in the academic community. The service is entrusted to an Anti-Discrimination Counselor, Nicoletta Parvis, Attorney, who offers advice, counseling and guidance on procedures for protection with discretion and expertise. 

The publication of the Inclusive Communication Guidelines (updated in June 2024) aims to increase awareness of how our choice of words, tone and behavior can influence the way other people see us. In particular, it provides the entire Bocconi community with linguistic strategies and tools for adopting language that is non-discriminatory and respects diversity.

This area is located in the apse of Bocconi University's San Ferdinando Church at Via Gobbi 5 (upper floor – with entrance to the right of the altar). 

It is available Mondays through Saturdays from 8:30am to 10pm and Sundays during the following times: 9am to 11:30am; 1pm to 5:30pm; 7pm to 10pm.

For more information, please contact: 

Resources available to the community include:

  • Alias Regulation
    The Alias identity is an alternative and temporary bureaucratic profile that replaces the registry name of a person going through a gender reassignment process with a chosen name, and a means to support students, staff and faculty who are transitioning. 
    The “Bocconi Carriera Alias” program was formally launched in January 2022. In addition to administrative and other organizational matters, “Bocconi Carriera Alias” involves a mentorship program as well.
  • All Gender Restrooms on the Bocconi Campus
    In order to make sure everyone feels comfortable when using the restroom, including anyone who does not identify with the male or female gender, non-binary and transgender people, 10 all gender restrooms have been established on the Bocconi campus alongside the restrooms already available at the University.
    All gender restrooms are present in every Bocconi University building and are open to everyone.