Students Regulations and Rules
issued with Italian D.R. n. 5146 of 2000, subsequently modified with Italian
D.R. n. 9 of 16 January 2007, with Italian D.R. n. 198 of 29 November 2011, with D.R. n. 93 of 2 August 2016 and with D.R. n. 49 of 14 July 2020, subsequently revised by Italian D.R. n. 72 of 11 October 2022.
Student representative and PhD representative elections of the Bocconi University in the following university collegial bodies have been announced:
- Faculty Council
- Department Council
- School Council
- University Sport Committee
- ISU Bocconi Steering Committee
- Unit Evaluation
- PhD School Council
- University Quality Assurance Committee
In addition to these, the election of a three-member group in which the Board of the Friends of Bocconi Association designates the student representative in the Università Bocconi Luigi Bocconi University Board has also been announced.
Elections will take place on the following days: 14 April 2025 (from 9:00am to 8:00pm (CET) and 15 April 2025 (from 9:00am to 3pm (CET).
Elections are regulated by the Regulations for the election of student representatives and Regulations for the election of PhD Student Representatives available on the University website at the address Statute and Regulations.
- The following groups and individuals are reserved the right to use the room available to student representatives:
·representatives enrolled in assembly groups recognized as such within the Student Representatives Council and supporters of those groups,
·the Office of the President of the Student Representatives Council
to carry out front office and administration activities for the group they are involved in or for the Office of the President.
- According to the Student Representatives Council regulations, members of the Student Representatives Council cannot enroll in any other group, establish or join mixed groups, which also have the right to use the room.
- In order to utilize the room, the President of the group must make a pre-emptive request to the Office of the President, indicating the necessary times of use, including both the hours and the days of the week, as well as a person who will be in charge for the one or more time slots of its use.
- The Conference of Group Presidents will make assignments for the room, creating a calendar for use at the beginning of each academic year. This will be done while taking into consideration the various requests received.
- Requests must be presented within the first 7 days after the official beginning of lessons for the academic year. Late requests will be accepted only if the room is still available.
- The Conference of Group Presidents will see to the assignment of the room's access keys, or in any case will see to making access possible, and will distribute keys for compartments assigned to each group.
- Rules regarding behavior inside the room are the same as those laid out for the study rooms of Via Bocconi 12. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the association/group that has requested use of the room to keep the room clean and orderly, as well as to carefully respect the hours and days assigned. Use of the printing service is entirely the responsibility of those using the service.
- Any violation of these regulations will result in:
- the involved students being reported to the Disciplinary Board by the President of the Student Representative Council;
- the entire group losing the right to use the room's service for one year.
The Group President will be required to adopt adequate measures to prevent punishable behavior from occurring.
Applicable sanctions and decision making bodies
Applicable sanctions may be as follows:
- Warning
- Temporary ban from one or more courses
- Exclusion from one or more exams for one or more exam periods
- Temporary suspension from the University and loss of exam periods (not more than three years)
All disciplinary sanctions are registered in the student's academic career, written in the transfer form, and in all university documents used in determining the student's graduation grade.
A disciplinary sanction more serious than a warning precludes any benefits (e.g. scholarships, housing, etc.) for the right to study.
Warning students is the responsibility of the Rector.
Banning a student from courses, exclusion from exams, and temporary suspension are the responsibility of the Faculty Council.
The procedure may be initiated by faculty members, students, non-teaching staff stating that punishable behavior has occured. The report is sent to the Director of the "Academic Affairs Division".
The Director of the Academic Affairs Division will call a meeting of the Disciplinary Board which is nominated by the Rector, composed of:
- Director of ISU Bocconi (President)
- Dean of the Undergraduate School
- Dean of the Graduate School
- Dean of the Law School
- Director of the Academic Affairs Division
- Two of the five student representatives in the Faculty Council
The Board's function is to gather information, including the student's version of the facts, and draft a proposal for action to be taken (dismissal/disciplinary action). Proposals are sent to the Rector.
Except for cases of a warning, a formal charge is made and a formal letter is sent to the student's permanent or temporary address by registered mail with notice of delivery.
The letter briefly summarizes the facts.
The student is informed of the disciplinary action the day prior to the Faculty Council meeting. The student can request a hearing at the Faculty Council or may send a letter in his/her defense.
The decisions taken have immediate effect, they are communicated by the Rector to the student and to the offices involved (ISU) which will put them into practice, effective on the date indicated.
Passed with Rectoral Decree n. 209 of 7 September 2009
Art. 1
1. These regulations are applied to elections of student representatives for Bachelor, Master of Science and Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Programs: Bachelor/Master of Science/Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Program Committees.
Art. 2
1. Degree Program student representative elections are called annually by the Rector, with the appropriate Decree that fixes its date. This Decree must be published by the official University Register at least fifteen days before the date of elections.
2. Two representatives are elected for each Program class group. In addition, the following representatives are elected: - 4 (four) student representatives for each Bachelor or Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Study Program Committee; - 2 (two) student representatives each Master of Science Study Program Committee.
Art. 3
1. Eligible voters for class representative elections include all Bachelor, Master of Science and Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Program students effectively and properly enrolled at Università Commerciale "Luigi Bocconi" in a regular study Program year, at the date fixed by the Rectoral Decree that calls for the elections.
2. Each voter in student representative elections for Bachelor, Master of Science and Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Study Program Committees votes for the election of 2 (two) class representatives for their respective class group.
3. Eligible candidates for class representative elections include students enrolled in a regular Program year for their respective class group, who do not have disciplinary sanctions in progress at the time of the candidate nomination.
4. Effective and proper enrollment must occur by the date fixed by the Rectoral Decree that calls for the elections and in any case by the date of candidate nomination. Enrollment is considered effective and proper in accordance with this provision after students are enrolled in the first year of a two-year student Program, even if they are enrolled with reserve. If a Bachelor Program is not completed within the prescribed times, article 17 of these regulations will apply.
5. For elections of student representatives on the Study Program Committee, eligible candidates and eligible voters include only class representatives.
Art. 4
1. To implement the provisions of these Regulations, a Central Electoral Office has been created, with Rectoral Decree, at Unitvesità Bocconi, comprised of:
a. one Full Professor;
b. two officials from university Administration.
2. The Central Electoral Office will do the following:
coordinate and ensure the free process of the electoral campaign and the subsequent free process of voting operations, attending to deciding any claims proposed during the electoral operations by the voters and the polling station members; provide copies of the lists of competing candidates registered at the aforementioned Office to voting students; find and supply spaces to affix posters, distributing them in equal measure; organize the electoral method; indicate actions that could entail the application of disciplinary sanctions.
Art. 5
1. All students that meet the requirements laid out in article 3 can nominate themselves for the elections described in article 1. Nominations if they are not expressly withdrawn function both for class representative elections and for degree Program elections.
2. Candidates are not derived from voting lists, but are presented individually and by
Art. 6
1. The nomination of individual candidates occurs through online communication, according to the appropriate procedures.
Art. 7
1. For class representative elections each student can vote for a maximum of two candidates; the vote is valid even if only one candidate is selected.
2. For degree Program representative elections:
a. For Bachelor and Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Programs, each class representative can vote for a maximum of two candidates; selection of only one candidate is admitted.
b. For Master of Science Programs, each class representative can vote for one candidate.
Art. 8
1. In order to exercise the right to vote and to ensure voting freedom and secrecy, one or more polling stations, with Rectoral Decree, at Università Bocconi in the premises dedicated to polling stations, which will be different for the first and second rounds of voting.
2. Each polling station is comprised of:
a) two employees of university Administration that assume the functions of President, Vice President, Polling Station Secretary and members;
b) up to five students selected by the President of the Student Representative Council.
Art. 9
1. Before the beginning of the electoral operations, the polling station members, as stated in article 8, will meet to verify the availability of the necessary features to exercise the right to vote.
2. It is the task of the polling station President to ensure the presence of the necessary
equipment to make sure voting occurs freely and secretly.
Art. 10
1. Electoral operations for the election of class representatives will take place using the appropriate online procedures.
2. Electoral operations for the election of Study Program Committee representatives will take place using paper ballots.
Art. 11
1. The electoral system will stay open and accessible on the days and at the times fixed by the Rectoral Decree for the two successive elections.
Art. 12
1. Any form of electoral propaganda is forbidden during election days.
2. At the time electoral operations are closed, voters who are still present on the premises of the polling stations can exercise their right to vote.
Art. 13
1. Counting of the votes will begin after the closing of the elections and will be carried out by the members of the polling station. For elections of class representatives, votes This document is a translation of the official text in Italian, for legal purposes refer the Italian version 4 that select more candidates than allowed will not be considered valid. Votes for candidates expressed by selecting from boxes that are not compatible (including the selection of boxes corresponding to more than the maximum number of candidates possible, etc.) will also be annulled. Blank ballots are permissible.
Art. 14
1. Electoral operations and the counting of votes are public.
2. When these operations for the election of Study Program Committee representatives are concluded, the President of the polling station will publicly announce the election results and communicate the results to the Central Electoral Office.
Art. 15
1. The Rector will subsequently proclaim results of the first (class representatives) and second (Study Program Committee representatives) elections, with appropriate Decree, with a bill at the official University Register.
Art. 16
1. The mandate of elected students will cease with the nomination of new elected students in the subsequent mandate.
2. Any student elected for a mandate can be re-elected, as long as they meet the conditions laid out in article 3.
Art. 17
1. The first runner-up will automatically succeed the elected student in the following cases: one of the candidates declared elected steps down, forfeits his/her capacity of Milan Università Bocconi student, changes Program or receives a disciplinary sanction; completion of Bachelor, Master of Science or Combined Bachelor and Master of Science degree; forfeiture of capacity of representative following two consecutive absences from meetings of the bodies to which he/she was elected. This possibility of forfeiture will be applied upon indication to the Student Administration Office by the office of the body involved.
2. If there are no candidates available who received votes, the elected position will remain vacant.
Art. 18
1. Appeal of the results proclaimed according to article 16 can be submitted within 10 days of their proclamation to the Central Electoral Office, which will decide within the 10 days subsequent. Further appeals of the decision can be submitted to the Faculty Council within 30 days. The Faculty Council will decide definitively within the subsequent 120 days. 2. The above-mentioned decisions will be published with billposting at the official University Register.
Art. 19
1. For anything that is not laid out in these Regulations, provisions relating to city and province elections will apply when compatible.
2. In case of a tie in the elections, the younger student will be favored.
During an examination students:
- cannot offer or receive any assistance, from teachers, students or any other party;
- cannot attempt to obtain prior information about the specific questions of the exam;
- cannot assume the identity of another nor allow others to assume their identity during an exam; nor can students present as their own a piece of work which has been copied, entirely or partially;
- cannot keep mobile phones on their desks.
These rules do not substitute the University in the monitoring of the exams. The University will maintain strict exam procedures. At least one teacher will be physically present at each exam. The University moreover will do its best to ensure that the exams are taken in adequate rooms, with enough space and silence to allow students to concentrate. Teachers are required to set clear questions and to markexams following clear rules, allowing students to show their ability and degree of understanding of the subject area.
Violation of the above rules or instructions given by the teacher during exams, is cause for cancellation of the exam, and the start of disciplinary procedures.
- Associations or groups registered in Bocconi's annual list and any other associations supported by Università Bocconi are reserved the right to use the Association Room to carry out front office and administration activities
- Associations and groups that do not submit an annual request or that are not re-registered on the list will automatically lose the possibility to use the room.
- In order to utilize the room, the President of the association or the head of the group must make a pre-emptive request to the Office of the President, indicating the necessary times of use, including both the hours and the days of the week, as well as a person who will be in charge for the one or more time slots of its use.
- The Conference of Group Presidents will make assignments for the room, creating a calendar for use at the beginning of each academic year. This will be done while taking into consideration the various requests received.
- Requests must be presented within the first 7 days after the official beginning of lessons for the academic year. Late requests will be accepted only if the room is still available. In any case, associations and groups that are registered in the annual list during the course of the academic year will be authorized to use the room according to the rules laid out in these regulations.
- The Conference of Group Presidents will see to the assignment of the room's access keys, or in any case will see to making access possible, and will distribute keys for compartments assigned to each group.
- Rules regarding behavior inside the room are the same as those laid out for the study rooms of Via Bocconi 12. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the association/group that has requested use of the room to keep the room clean and orderly, as well as to carefully respect the hours and days assigned. Use of the printing service is entirely the responsibility of those using the service.
Any violation of these regulations will result in:
- the involved students being reported to the Disciplinary Board by the President of the Student Representative Council;
- the entire group losing the right to use the room's service for one year.
The Group President will be required to adopt adequate measures to prevent punishable behavior from occurring.