
Anti-Discrimination Service Desk - Anti-Discrimination Counselor

Who is the Anti-Discrimination Counselor?

Nicoletta Parvis, Attorney, is the Anti-Discrimination Counselor who will be available at the Anti-Discrimination Service Desk at Bocconi University. She is the point of reference for students, faculty and staff who believe they are experiencing discrimination, harassment or other misconduct within the academic community. Her role is crucial for promoting a respectful, inclusive and safe work and study environment.

What does the Anti-Discrimination Counselor do? 

The Anti-Discrimination Counselor works fully autonomously, guaranteeing confidentiality and counseling to anyone who contacts her. Her mission is to receive referrals and offer advice on possible solutions and procedures to follow. She guides people through the resources available inside and outside the University, offering advice based on regulations and codes of ethics, and suggesting the best avenues for obtaining the necessary protection. 

The Anti-Discrimination Counselor works closely with other University resources, such as the Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability and the offices and services responsible for inclusion, counseling and supporting the various members of the academic community to ensure effective and ongoing support. 

While she does not intervene directly in disciplinary proceedings, her presence is critical in directing anyone who feels they have been victims of inappropriate behavior to the right channels of support.

What are discrimination and harassment? 

Discrimination and harassment are unacceptable phenomena that conflict with the values of inclusion and respect promoted by Bocconi University. The Anti-Discrimination Counselor is available to help anyone who feels victimized by such behaviors, offering support and advice on how to deal with them effectively.

Discrimination: This occurs when a person is treated unfairly or disadvantaged on the basis of an area that expresses diversity such as gender, gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, age, ability, religion, socio-economic status, etc.

Harassment: This is unwanted behavior that violates a person's dignity by creating an intimidating, offensive or humiliating environment. It can manifest through words, actions or gestures perceived as inappropriate or invasive, related to personal characteristics that express diversity. Even a single action may be considered harassment.

How can the Anti-Discrimination Counselor be contacted and how can a meeting be set up? 

Bocconi University students, faculty and staff can contact and meet the Anti-Discrimination Counselor directly and confidentially.

The Anti-Discrimination Service Desk is in an area that ensures privacy and confidentiality, with the goal of providing a safe environment to discuss sensitive and personal issues.

Appointments are preferred but not required, and anyone contacting the Counselor can leave a phone number if they wish to be contacted.

Anti-Discrimination Service Desk
Nicoletta Parvis, Attorney
B in Touch Point
Box 008
Piazza Sraffa 11
(entrance from Piazza Sraffa 13)
