Inclusive Communication Guidelines

The Inclusive Communication Guidelines serve as a series of recommendations aimed at the entire university community: faculty, staff, students and alumni. 

It is a document offering practical advice and concrete examples that become shared heritage in a University like ours, where imparting academic knowledge has always been accompanied by recognizing the values of inclusivity and respect. 

Applicable for both written and verbal communication, the guidelines are useful for adopting non-discriminatory language that is capable of reflecting diversity while limiting unconscious prejudices. The document is available in English and Italian. Each version contains peculiarities attributable to the two languages, but both have been structured to reflect the main themes of inclusivity: disability, gender identity, ethnicity and race. A list of neutral terms and expressions can be found in both versions as well.

The guidelines are based on current knowledge and recognized linguistic practices at the date of publication, but since language is influenced by social, cultural and political factors, the guidelines are subject to change and may evolve over time.