
Voyage Around the Apple for the MFB Students

, by Tomaso Eridani
At EXPO, on Tuesday 21, the students of the Master of Management in Food and Beverage will present their projects on the world of apples, passing through culture to production and use

History, variety, production, rites, culture - the facets of a simple food like the apple are in fact many and will be the object of the projects that the participants of the Master of Management in Food & Beverage of SDA Bocconi will present at EXPO on Tuesday 21 at 6.30pm. The event 'The World of Apples', with the backing of Le Università per Expo 2015 - Comitato Scientifico del Comune di Milano, will be held at the Italy Pavilion and the projects will analyse and illustrate various aspects of the world of apples in terms of culture and history and of production and consumption.

"Going on to work in the sector it is important that the students are aware of all the value, system and work that can lie behind a product so simple as the apple," explains Chiara Mauri, director of the MFB. "Behind a food there is the work of many and the students have now understood more that it can be observed from many points of view and that food is also a cultural element."

The 5 projects which will be presented, which have involved the whole class of the master, have analysed aspects related to the variety of the product (from the history to the countries of production), the production (from the seed to the harvest of the fruit), the use (from consumption to rituals), the value system (from the actors of the system to price formation and the supply chain) and history (the apple in culture, art and advertising).

"The students have also become familiar with new instruments for case studies, such as the production of videos and surveys on the web, and organized visits to the Melinda consortium in Trentino and the fruit market in Milan to better understand the aspects of production, distribution and sales. And with students from 14 different countries many diversified cultural points of view have emerged," tells Mauri.