
Three Branding Challenges for Students of Marketing

, by Benedetta Ciotto
Bocconi University and CheBanca! have launched a contest that will see students of the brand management course deal with the realization of a project. The award ceremony is planned for May

The development of three types of brand management projects is the final objective of the contest launched by CheBanca! and Bocconi University. Who will deal with this task are the students of Marketing Management, who found out the guidelines on March 14, during a day at the MedioBanca headquarters, in Milan. It was Maria Carmela Ostillio, responsible of the course, who accompanied the students: "They are split into 9 teams, with a draw at the end of the day we assigned one of the three brand management projects to each group. They have time to work on the projects until mid-May", she says, "It will be very challenging for them to confront themselves with the reality of bank branding".

Luca Prina, Daniela Tornelli, Giorgio Guardigli e Antonio Fratta Pasini (of Chebanca!), told the students the story of the brand and then they revealed the three projects, "which we like to call challenges", on which students will work and which will then be evaluated by CheBanca! and the University; projects that constitute 50% of the final grade of the brand management course. The first is the realization of a marketing project choosing between digital branding and traditional branding; the second is the development of a brand value proposition for small businesses; the third is on brand resonance and brand value proposition with the aim of segmenting the market. "These three projects will all have to be an answer to a bigger question, that is what is the bank of the future?", explains Tornelli, Brand Manager. "These guidelines are nothing but hints. Students have to work freely without following any particular pattern", adds Ostillio.

The event ended with a draw to determine which groups will work on which project, and with the delivering of a pen drive with the materials and information on which the students will work in the next two months.