
Sovereign Wealth Fund Managers Return to SDA Bocconi

, by Andrea Celauro
From July 9 to 13, Bocconi hosts the second edition of the Sovereign Investment Academy promoted by the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds, the global association of sovereign wealth funds

It is an intensive five-day program, with meetings and workshops. Participants will take stock of the state of the art of managing sovereign wealth funds and analyze organizational challenges in a constantly evolving macroeconomic scenario. This is the second edition of the SIA, the Sovereign Investment Academy organized from 9 to 13 July by SDA Bocconi with the support of the International Forum of Sovereign Wealth Funds.

There will be twelve participants in the 2018 edition, coming from the Saudi Public Investment Fund, the Kuwait Investment Authority, the Qatar Investment Authority and the emerging funds of Papua New Guinea and East Timor.

"Sovereign investors can make a difference globally thanks to their ability to promote sustainable investments and their long-term horizon", explains Bernardo Bortolotti, Director of the Academy. "Their importance calls them to special responsibilities, and that's why we designed a tailor-made, innovative and unique training program for them."