
Nine Ideas for a New Tourism

, by Claudio Todesco
MET, the Master in Economics of Tourism, celebrated its graduation ceremony with the presentation of the project works developed by the students, assisted by Bocconi tutors, according to inputs given by industry firms

The alternative forms of accommodation allowed by the sharing economy, development strategies and organizational models at wellness centers, the impact of mobile technology on customer experience in luxury hotel facilities, the expertise of the Club Med seasonal workers. These are just a few projects that the students of the Master in Economics of Tourism (MET - in Italian) directed by Magda Antonioli, presented on Monday, 22 June. The projects are the result of a four month work. The presentations were held during the graduation ceremony of the 2014-2015 MET.

Last January, nine companies brought to the students' attention some relevant issues. Starting mid February, MET students were divided into groups of four, five or six and started to work on these projects tutored by Bocconi teachers. American Airlines, for instance, asked to study the role of alliances between carriers and the market scenarios for transatlantic flights. Another team addressed the Gusto in Quota project by the Consorzio Sestrière e le Montagne Olimpiche. Other groups studied performance and strategy in the accommodation industry, the online reputation of tourist destinations, the business network as a tool to increase competitiveness.

Project works are an effective way to apply what students have learned in the classroom, working with business managers, and to develop the skills necessary to manage a team. "Companies get a fresh and young perspective and students feel valued when they work on issues of real interest", says Marianna di Salle, the coordinator of the master. "Nor should we underestimate the fact that often companies use these projects to assess potential candidates".

MET is a first-level specialized master which lasts from October to June. It has two facets: tourism economy and policy, and management of tourism companies. It's experience-oriented and provides meetings with managers, field experiences, in-company training, educational tours. Graduates in both economics and liberal arts are welcomed. "The miscellaneous curriculum, ages and professional backgrounds favor the sharing of experiences and knowledge. It's one of the master's strengths".