More than 20 New Faces Strengthen Bocconi Faculty
In 2018 Bocconi University has attracted 22 new permanent faculty recruited on the international academic job market, including an unprecedented nine senior staff: eight Full Professors and an Associate. Two Full Professors (Anthony Bertelli and Eleanor Spaventa) and the Associate (Dirk Hovy) joined Bocconi in the first half of the year, while the rest represent a congruous new batch from September.
«Reinforcing the faculty with scholars coming from the best universities has been confirmed as one of the priorities of our Rector's second term», says Francesco Billari, Dean of the Faculty. «Compared to a few years ago, Bocconi has improved its academic standing and now we can compete for the very best talent even for senior positions. Being based in Milan also helps, as the reputation of the city is on the rise. We have developed, and we are still improving, a favorable ecosystem made of administrative support and, most important, a stimulating scholarly environment, which strikes a balance between research and teaching, not easy to find in the rest of Continental Europe».
Michael Trusov joins Bocconi's Department of Marketing as a Full Professor, coming from the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. He's a scholar of internet marketing, text analysis, big data and data mining and in his research has recently used eye-tracking techniques.
With Mariano Massimiliano Croce, the Department of Finance has a new Full Professor who researches asset pricing and investments. A CEPR Research Fellow and a NBER Research Associate, he comes from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has already been a Visiting Professor at Bocconi.
Giacinto Della Cananea will reinforce the Department of Legal Studies with his expertise in administrative law and European Union law. He comes from Università di Roma Tor Vergata and, in 2016, has been the recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant for a project on the common core of European administrative laws.
Roger O'Keefe also joins the Department of Legal Studies as a Full Professor. A scholar of public international law, international criminal law, international human rights and international cultural heritage law, he comes from University College London, where he's been Professor of Public International Law since 2014.
Peter Pope, until yesterday Professor of Accounting at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, joins the Department of Accounting as a Full Professor. His research focus is on equities valuation, financial accounting, investment management and risk.
Coming from Queen Mary University of London, Annita Florou also joins Bocconi's Department of Accounting as a Full professor. Auditing and IFRS adoption are her main research interests.
Pedro Aceves is a new Assistant Professor at the Department of Management and Technology. He obtained his PhD in Sociology at University of Chicago with a dissertation on The Linguistic Relativity of Collective Cognition and Group Performance. Economic sociology, organization theory, social valuation, collective cognition, and sociology of language are among the areas he's exploring.
Alexander Kentikelenis joins the Department of Social and Political Sciences as an Assistant Professor from University of Oxford's Trinity College. International political economy, international institutions, public health, and international development are his expertise areas. He's a frequent co-author of Bocconi's Professor David Stuckler.
Stefano Balbusso, an expert in civil and business law, becomes an Assistant Professor at the Department of Legal Studies after some experience as a Professor at Bocconi and Università di Pavia's Scuola di specializzazione per le professioni legali.
Cassandra Chambers, a PhD in Business Administration at Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, joins the Department of Management and Technology. In her dissertation she tackles the problem of the effects of performance rankings on the probability of cooperation in an organization.
Anatoli Colicev joins the Department of Marketing as an Assistant Professor. Coming from the Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Business of Astana, where he was an Assistant Professor of Marketing, he gained his PhD at Paris' ESSEC Business School. Among his research interests, there are social media marketing and the marketing-finance interface.
Adam Eric Greenberg joins the Department of Marketing as an Assistant Professor. He obtained his PhD in Economics at the University of California, San Diego and has been a Postdoctoral Scholar in Marketing at UCLA Anderson School of Management since mid-2016. He studies consumer financial decision making.
A PhD in Applied and Computational Statistics and a scholar of natural language processing, Francesco Grossetti joins the Department of Accounting to study the language of corporate reports and communications. He's been a Postdoctoral Fellow at the same Department since February 2017.
Christian Skov Jensen obtained his PhD in Finance at the Copenhagen Business School and joins Bocconi's Department of Finance. His research interests are asset pricing, ï¬ntech, ï¬nancial econometrics, ï¬nancial economics.
Kerim Can Kavakli joins the Department of Social and Political Sciences as an Assistant Professor, coming from Istanbul's Sabancli University. A scholar of civil conflicts, he's recently received a grant to study ethnic violence between Turkish citizens and Syrian refugees. He obtained his PhD from the University of Rochester.
Thorsten Martin gained his PhD in Finance from HEC Paris and his research interests are corporate finance, industrial organization and entrepreneurship. In his job market paper, he deals with the effects of price transparency on the behavior of producers and customers. He joins the Department of Finance as an Assistant Professor.
Verena Schoenmueller joins Bocconi's Department of Marketing from Colombia Business School, where she's been a Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow since 2014. She obtained her PhD from the University of Basel. Digital and social media marketing is her field of expertise, with a job market paper tackling the J-shaped distribution of online reviews (you know: a few negative reviews, nearly nothing in the middle and many positive ones).
Daphne Teh, who joins the Department of Management and Technology as an Assistant Professor after a PhD at Singapore's INSEAD, researches organizational misconduct and the interaction between corporations and non-profit organizations, which, she finds, lowers misconduct.
Carlo Lucibello is joining the Department of Decision Sciences. A researcher in statistical physics and machine learning after a PhD from La Sapienza University of Rome, he has already been a teaching assistant at Bocconi in 2016. A frequent co-author of Bocconi's Riccardo Zecchina and Carlo Baldassi, Lucibello will join them and the computer science research group at Bocconi.