
Manage a Warehouse? Learn How in a Video

, by Davide Ripamonti
The project on innovation in teaching, proposed by Luca Scarani and realized by BUILT, completes through images what has been learned in the classroom. And the students greatly appreciate it

A leading consulting company, a real company, a leader in its sector, and a technological partner. Downstream of all this, the idea. This is how, on the proposal of Luca Scarani, professor at the Department of Accounting of Bocconi University and head of the "Accounting and financial statement analysis" course of the BIEM, BIEf and Bemac degree BSc programs, the video was born which tells through images how the accounting management of a warehouse works. "That is obviously a topic of study in the classroom," says Scarani, "and that the video helps to fix more clearly in the minds of students. Who have enthusiastically welcomed this novelty."

The initiative is part of the educational improvement projects funded by the University and was made possible with the contribution of Bocconi University Innovations in Learning and Teaching (Built). A pilot project so successful that it could have a sequel, and that has been made available starting from the first days of April on the Blackboard platform.

"I turned to Luca Magnano, a partner of KPMG who teaches in our course and who identified the company to be involved, Peviani Spa. It operates in the production and marketing of fruit and vegetables and has about 50 employees. The video, which lasts almost 30 minutes," continues Scarani, "is a real documentary in which, in the first part, it is shown how a real stock review takes place, while, in the second, I interview the company's CFO, Giovanni Gria Spinelli , and we address a series of topics covered by our lessons. The aim, of course, is to give a practical connotation to the classroom teachings. And it was a great success."