
Internship Abroad: the First Step for an International Career

, by Benedetta Ciotto
Every year more than 1400 Bocconians leave for a stage abroad. Like Davide, Martina and Antonio. On February 11 the Bocconi International Fair to discover all international work and study opportunities

International, multicultural, global. These are the keywords of our time and terms that are almost always evoked when talking about work. Reason why an internship abroad is always a good starting point to enter the world of work and start an international career. Bocconi University offers its students and graduates several tools and opportunities to get into contact with employers: every year more than 4500 students and graduates take an internship, of these over 1400 leave for a stage abroad in one of the over 700 companies and institutions proposed. Davide Baratto, attending the second year of Management, is one of them: "Thanks to Jobgate I found an opportunity in Cape Town, at Bantu Wax, a brand of surf and beachwear. I passed there 4 months, working in the operational and logistical area. An amazing experience".

Martina Cassari, in her last year of law, worked for three months in a law firm in Melbourne. "When I left I was so self-confident, my English was good and I felt ready, but when I got there I realized I had still a lot to learn: I didn't know legal English or Australian law and I had troubles in understanding their accent", she says. "They immediately started to treat me like a lawyer. It was hard in the first weeks, but then I managed to settle in and after a month they gave me my first case. It was gratifying to be able to get into the pace of work".

"I learned to deal with different cultures and I realized that strong synergies can be achieved by working in international teams made up of people with different backgrounds", recounts Antonio Mario Pisante, in his first year of International Management, who worked three months in Mumbai, India, at a private equity fund. "This experience has taught me to push myself beyond my limits, getting out of my comfort zone: this is the only way to learn and improve", he says. "Bocconi offers so many experiences. It would be a waste not to take advantage of that".

Every student and graduate can aspire to live the experience recounted by Davide, Martina and Antonio. The Bocconi International Fair (BIF), planned on February 11 at Roentgen 1, is the occasion to discover all the work and study abroad opportunities, offered by the University. BIF is an annual event, during which, among other things, students and graduates can get more information about international programs and submit their CVs to Bocconi representatives.