
Discussing Information in the Digital Age

, by Fabio Todesco
Journalist and writer Luca De Biase will teach a course on Media Ecology for the Sapere a tutto campo series

A forward-looking student with a strong interest in the humanistic side of technological change. That's the ideal profile of the student of Media Ecology: Information in the Digital Age, as outlined by Luca De Biase, the journalist and writer (he's head of the editorial office of Nòva24) who will teach the course of the "Sapere a tutto campo" series (six 90-minute lessons from 8 February to 7 March, in English).

"It will be a discussion-based course", De Biase says. "At the beginning of each session I will propose a challenging word, asking for contributions from the audience. When possible, I'll invite testimonials and experts".

Infosphere, future, innovation, happiness, platform and rights will be the topics of the six lessons.

There's time until 1 February to enroll, following the rules detailed in this page.