
In Company Training: a Compass for Job Orientation

, by Benedetta Ciotto
Two days inside a firm to dive into the world of work. It is In Company Training, the program that helps students, like Giorgia and Alessandro, to understand what their ideal field is

The transition from university to the labor market is a complex and delicate phase: it is important for new graduates not to be thrown into a working reality suddenly and without any reference point. One of the tools that Bocconi provides its students to help them with this transition is called In-Company Training (ICT). This program offers to small groups of students the opportunity to spend two or three days in different companies, in Italy or abroad, in contact with professionals from various fields. Visits inside the firms will include some practical activities (business games, group works), as well as presentations and testimonies. So as to have taste of what their future career could be.

For the organizing team of ICT students truly appreciate the opportunity to establish a direct contact with companies. "Being there in first person is an entirely different matter: living the office ambience, talking to people who work in the field.", says Giorgia Di Summa, at her first year of Finance, who went to London with Ict. This kind of experience allows students to figure out if the career they've always imagined actually corresponds to the working reality. It was the case for Giorgia: "It is an excellent opportunity for networking, but also an occasion, for those who have no clear idea about their working future, to know different realities. For example, I have always thought I would work in the world of investment banking, then, thanks to ICT, I understood that I prefer working in markets".

Alessandro Calanca, a recent graduate in International Management, participated in three different ICT : in London (at Morgan Stanley and Bloomberg ), Paris (BNP Paribas and Société Générale) and Hong Kong (Italian Chamber of Commerce, Unicredit, Intesa San Paolo, Monte dei Paschi di Siena , Goldman Sachs and Bloomberg ). "I had the occasion to meet, even in informal situations, professionals as well as young interns, who were students like me.", he explains, "During the ICT in Hong Kong, I attended a dinner organized by the Bocconi Alumni Association and I talked to juniors and professionals working in different fields, from automotive to fashion". Even Alessandro emphasizes the importance of ICT as an opportunity to find one's favorite field of work: "Maybe some students know that they would like to work in the banking sector without knowing in which particular area. These things cannot be learned from books, for this there is In-Company Training".

The opportunities offered by In-Company training are about 30 during the year (of which 20 abroad): the next destinations are Paris, Milan, Frankfurt, Berlin and Geneva. To learn more about it and all the study and work abroad opportunities offered by the University, attend the Bocconi International Fair (BIF), which will take place on February 11 in Via Roentgen 1. BIF is an annual event, during which, among other things, students and graduates can get more information about international programs and submit their CVs to Bocconi representatives.